1010music Blackbox

It does seem primed for seamless program change, doesn’t it? I get the feeling the architecture is kindred to the Deluge’s, in that the project files and the samples are structured like proper database files, all accessible and even readable from the SD card.

Essentially, if the Blackbox can buffer a program change with say the requirement of X number of bars before loading, and stack up the required samples and sequence files in that buffer, it could work.

As if I knew the platform of the firmware :slight_smile:

But hey. Maybe I do. Right? Right? I did write a few games in Amos back in the days, after all. You kids can google Amos, if you like. And when you do, you’ll learn about the Commodore Amiga and realise that this was what Paul Simon’s Born At The Right Time was all about.


Just finishing reading the whole topic. Took some time :smiley: I plan to get the BB to pair with my DT and other stuff.
In order to use BB song mode, do you know if BB can send pattern changes to DT?

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Hey, if I understood well, I can say I faced similar problem with my DT+Monologue.
Wanted to p-lock Program Change on DT to Monologue, but PC happened only on the step after the one that contains PC. So I p-lock PC on a trigless trig just before the step I want PC happening, and it works. Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thanks Loomie,

Yes - I read on Music1010 that the digitakt sends Note Data 1st, and Program Changes after, so often they get missed. Seems a slight bit of silence at the start of sample is one work around though yours is a good solution too!



You’re welcome :slight_smile: you can work with negative microtiming too, specially if program change must happen on pattern’s first step:

  • first step: trigless trig with PC
  • 2nd step: note data with negative microtiming at maximum, or almost. It will behave almost like if PC and note are on the same step

The only issue is that it takes 2 steps instead 1 just for one note.

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I’ve decided to circuit ghost my OT as well :wave: @blipson_old @circuitghost
Might even consider a second BB!! That would solve chaining songs together.


I’ve become a saying. The OT’s gonna come back to haunt me for this :ghost:


I’ve bought OT twice ~ it haunts us all! :zombie:

I’m keeping DT/DN so I don’t get Elektron haunted :skull_and_crossbones:

Oh no…my Deluge has now also been circuitghosted…a second BB is making a lot of sense at this point.

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@blipson_old 2 BB’s is the move for sure!

Yikes I don’t think I could ever sell my Deluge. Went to a workshop last year and met Ian, too cool of a bloke. Plus I like being able to cue up songs that launch on-beat.

Did you know that if you hold down the Load button while loading a song on Deluge will make sure all the new voices fire when Load button is released? Wish BB had that feature… #nerdproblems

To chime in on this… I almost bought an OT… But then I got circuitghosted. Heh.

I’m sorta excited for the possibility that one day, just one day, we might be able to sequence MIDI AND CV from the BB. Being DC coupled just to sample and play back CV almost makes no sense… :eyes: :eyes:

Hm - I’m thinking the BB ISN’T working for me. Feeling it’s really limited as a stand alone (too many screenchanges to launch a pad then adjust volume etc, no flow) - powerful with a midi controller but even with the update cc destinations are limted per pad and still buggy.

I WANT it to work though! Glad you’re getting on with it.


If I ever circuitghost my BBox, the days of electronic music making are over for me.

Any information on how much power the BB actually consumes, or how much power the host USB ports can support?

When I’ve pushed it, I’ve used the Blackbox to power a Keystep, and used the USB battery’s other port to power an Analog Heat. So essentially, a mobile setup with the BBox, the Keystep and the Heat, not a single wall cord in sight.


That’s awesome. Been debating if it can power my streichfett, heh.

It seems in general quite capable in powering anything that can be powered by USB. I ran it with a Pyramid a few months ago, but ran into some sync issues then, which seemed to have with this to do. No issues with the Pyramid when it ran on its own power source. But I pushed it pretty hard, launching both samples and clips from the Pyramid.



I went to the Deluge workshop a few months back and it summerised how the machine is…Ian couldnt remember how to use it at the workshop as he had a break for a month…Thats the problem with Deluge - so much stuff to remember with the work arounds

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Deluge seems like an OP-Z but with a bigger grid control surface and sequencing complexity, but similarly ‘mid-fi’ synthesis (useful but elementary), so-so fx and some extras in the sampling functionality?

Not that that isn’t attractive - it hasn’t held back TE!