1010music Bluebox

Ah ok… I’ll investigate further.,… thanks
Edit : yep gain and volume per channel

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How’s that? You going to blend your recordings in this with pre-recorded stuff, or use it in a context where you otherwise work in 44.1?

This is very interesting. I’ve been wanting something like this for a while. It’s great that it’s up to six stereo channels. So many mixers have minimal stereo tracks. Being able to switch prefade/postfade sends is very flexible.

Hooking up a launch control XL to make the physical controls more direct would really make it playable.

This also seems like the perfect thing to pair with an OT expand the ins and outs.

Yeah mainly Octatrack integration, I don’t really value 48k over 44.1 either, the tiny difference isn’t worth the extra file size IMO. Of course this is just my own highly personal bias against having to manage too many sample formats.

I’m a 44.1 guy #4life :laughing:


Seems like a no brainer firmware fix that.
My hope of multi-channel class compliant audio in to the USB A seems a bit more like wishful thinking.
Maybe when @Elektron make a box like this…

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There is gain control in the interface, there’s just no additional gain on the inputs so you’ll have to set levels based on the device with the lowest overall output level.


Ah ok. Thanks for explaining

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Wouldn’t want to rely on a mixer without volume faders/knobs on a gig, but nice package there, nice way to quickly record a performance also!

Hope we can use an output pair as aux sends and return on an input pair for some additional sauce.

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2020 has been a pretty good year if you only are focusing on new gear. Especially with companies starting to branch out and cover relatively uncharted waters.

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It will be interesting to see what midi implementation they add, a little nanomix or smth might make no physical faders less an issue?



Yes. Pre/post can be toggled as well.


Looks interesting as a compact recording device. What gives me pause is if I wanted to integrate iPad audio I would need to use a separate device as an audio interface. No file transfer over USB probably means no support for USB audio.

Anyway, will keep an eye on this.

Does it lose much if you run audio via the headphone jack?

Depends on your personal taste. Quite a few users seem to be satisfied with headphone jack audio.

Latest iPad Air and Pro models have no headphone jack btw


Aux meaning it gets removed from the mix? I have my analog heat on master insert of my current mixer. Should I move to the blue box I’d be satisfied using it as an aux send, returning on a stereo in.

so is it master recording or can it multitrack ?

this shurely fills a gap. but personally I find it too flimsy, asymmetrical 3.5ers are not somethind Id trust. Alternative: A&H QU-SB with an iPad. You can really save save some desktop space if you put the connections and the user interface of a mixer in 2 different boxes.

welll… eurorack.

With bluebox you can record independent tracks

ok… then shut up and take my money. as a blackbox owner, that’s a great recording solution.

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