<3 model:cycles thread

Probably just trigs with the “(NOT)FILL” (with the line over FILL) trig condition. This allows trigs to activate only when FILL is NOT held, thus silencing them (or “soloing” the one track) when FILL is pressed.

You can accomplish this by doing it trig-by-trig, but remember: you can hold multiple trigs as you p-lock the trig condition, so it’s not that tedious.


Thanks, I realised it could be done with FILL/ not FILL, but I admit I overlooked editing multiple trigs at a time. (I’ve only had this thing a week :slight_smile: )

Just noticed a price drop on the M:C in Canada. Is it World wide?

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¥44,900 Amazon and Rakuten for Japan…
¥38,799 from the Elektron site.
$299 Amazon US and Sweetwater.
$250 Reverb.
Guess I could’ve waited, but the time I’ve already spent with it has been well worth it.


Thanks for your searching!

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Just got mine yesterday :slight_smile: also my first piece of Elektron gear. First piece of hardware in over a decade! Due to work commute and kids, etc, I shifted over to all iOS since 2011. It’s been great (can’t beat those prices) but there’s nothing quite like having a dedicated piece of hardware with buttons and knobs that just does ONE thing.

Had a good play for a little over an hour yesterday, didn’t need the manual yet which is good. Would really like to get comfortable with it, then plug it back into the iPad and use it in tandem with apps and other AUv3s as a controller. We’ll see how it goes, but pretty excited so far


Welcome to the world of Elektron!

This time next year you’ll probably have 4 more of their devices and be searching for a decently priced monomachine on EBay…:joy:


I’ve promised myself I won’t consider another Elektron machine until I’ve made some deep progress with the M:C … and I’m giving myself at least a few months for that.

I’ve heard of people for whom the M:C was literally a gateway drug that led to them purchasing the entire current product catalog from Elektron … it would be all too easy to go down that route, without first considering if this is the route I want to go (and instead merely looking for a piece of kit that solves problem X)


Yes, I think after buying one device it’s all to easy to see the appeal of having more. You’re right to consider what is it that you really need to get the job done though :+1:t5:

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I know what you mean guys, I’m looking at comparisons between Digitone and Cycles…

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Still loving the simple expressiveness even if after the Norand Mono i am saddened by one LFO per track :slight_smile:

One question, did anyone figure out or get fixed the thin power cable losing contact and powering off when the cable gets wiggled? I use mine on the couch and whenever i move i can lose progress.

I replaced the adapter but it’s not it.

I started with a Digitakt, Then Octatrack, A4 and M:C within maybe 18 months. I still have the OT and M:C. Two of my favorite tracks on my last record were mostly on the M:C. Nearly a year ago I bought a Kodamo EssenceFM and hadn’t even powered up the M:C since until this past week. Now, if I could only own two pieces of hardware it would be the OT and EssenceFM (and that includes a decent sized eurorack rig). That said, I can’t see me ever selling the M:C. Sometimes having such a simple, straightforward groovebox really gets the ball rolling. And for three hundred bucks?! It’s a keeper

For future Elektron devices, I hope they keep the simplified interface but bring back higher quality controls. These soft keys and stiff knobs aren’t my favorite, but I deal because the thing is fun and powerful. And the pads! God why! (I know this is not unique to MC)

Also MC is notably more difficult to get to sound good than other Elektron boxes. But it is more than possible.

All in all I <3 it

Monomachine would like a word

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No way. When I had one it was like constant eargasms with little effort. I will always regret selling it.

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It really depends on what you try to achieve. I bought and sold it the first time, because I thought that it is a simplified Digitone, which it isn’t, as I realized much later. Second time I bought it as a unique fun drum machine with melodic machines…definitely a keeper! So easy to get good drum sounds out of it.


After barely using the VD over the last months, I pulled the trigger for the M:C as a replacement.

As much as I enjoyed the Volca Drum, I couldn’t get used to the workflow of not seeing what values are set when changing tracks and completely destroying the sound with minimal adjustments.

Looking forward to the endless knobs of the M:C and the new possibilities.

I have at some point or another owned: Machinedrum, Monomachine, Octatrack, Digitakt, Digitone

So far M:C is my favorite of them all. As I use a DAW, all that extra power in those other boxes are just in the way when you sketch out ideas. M:C is more “instrument-like” with its limited but accessible controls so more amenable to playing live takes into the DAW.

And it sounds great once you learn to master it (doesn’t take long!). Although in my hybrid setup it will almost always be processed somehow.


the more i listen to and look at cycles, the more i start to appriciate and understand what it really is.
i thought of it as a cut down digitone, but boy was i wrong.

hope that MODEL spirit will continue in one way or another, be it MK2s or in something entiredly different. :v:


I feel this.

I recently tried a Perkons and loved everything about it except the cost. I just realized it was way too much money in something I only want to record a few fucky loops into my DAW with to process and mangle further.

I’ve had a Rytm for a few years but I’ve always struggled with it’s core sound (even when sampling) and the the sheer amount of features I just ignore.

I like a simpler box that I can actually push to its limits. Since I’m not a live, performance oriented artist, M:C seems like it could fit the bill.

The Perkons also taught me that I like limited, guided voice engines (well, not the rytms. ) I don’t want to muck around w samples.

That low headroom limiting shit on the M:C sounds dope too.