432 anyone?

(and we didn’t even touch the subject of non-western music did we ?)


I am an idiot. Thought there was a little bug/fly in my phone. Should sleep more :diddly:


It’s well known that 440 is a key resonance tool in global mind control and conformity. That and fluorinated water are curtailing humanity’s freedom.
Still, i’d live with it for a 5th operator.


I don’t have a DN, but master tune on a synth seems like a standard and useful feature, but I guess that’s life for DN owners.

No frequency is more magical than another, as we’ve established, but also some seem to be conflating temperament and tuning systems like 12 TET or forms of just intonation with a master reference pitch for an instrument. Very different concepts.



Off topic…but your new avatar had me swiping my iPhone to remove the tiny bug on the screen :laughing::laughing::laughing:. Love it!


Just when I thought this thing as old as the internet would never work again ! :joy:

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consider me a victim too, grr, I thought some termite had got in there :wink:

@Ess seems occasionally amenable to specific digitone spec questions, perhaps he’ll chip in as to why Master Tune was left out (my hunch is for streamlining and that it reflects that probably >95% of users wouldn’t ever touch this)

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The white on white seals the deal :sunglasses:

Well, “classical” covers western music from a span of well over a thousand years. During which time there were lots of ideas about reference tuning and temperament. 440 isn’t any simpler than any other reference pitch. 440 actually became a standard to combat “pitch inflation” where orchestras in different regions would try to out do eachother, tuning higher for a brighter sound. But having a master tune will only adjust the reference, not the temperament.

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Yes, we’re looking into adding master tune. The reason why it was not ready for release/now is simply: time! Believe it or not, master tuning is a pretty intricate feature to add on a complex device such as this. Consider how many ways there are to affect the pitch already.

There are many reasons to change the tuning, regardless how mystical of nature it might be. Ask yourself; wouldn’t it be cool to at least potentially be able to summon Cthulhu via your Digitone?


“…Ask yourself; wouldn’t it be cool to at least potentially be able to summon Cthulhu via your Digitone?”


thanks for jumping in here! I hope master tune makes into an update soon.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Mystics: 432 Hz vs 528 Hz vs 440 Hz

Bands sometimes just tune to each other, if someone showed up with a digi and the band couldn’t stop and retune all there instruments, it can’t join the fun… Simple concept really disregarding anything else you want to make of it…

Many other natural instruments can be slightly off tune, they might be fixed and untunable, or extremely hard to tune and take a half hour instead of turning a knob on the digi in a second…


One thing we haven’t done yet is suggesting circumventing solutions… some traditions are worth keeping though :tongue:

2 I thought of:

  • find a way to get a constant incoming pitch bend signal
  • use a very slow square LFO on pitch that you tune to your taste. Bonus : you can go further and do microtuning, which is imo even more useful because you don’t tune your instrument to some abstract frequency, but tune notes to sound harmonically with each other…

I don’t particularly care about master tune but if I could set up Just Intonation that would be pretty sweet!

There is a simple solution if you want to use dt tuned A=432hz. It accepts midi input and all you need to do is adjust that. The easiest way to do that is to use software. Reason for instance does have master tune (use -32 cents). Just make an external midi device and select your dt. You do need a computer but aren’t stuck in Reason if you don’t like it. Slave Reason to Live using rewire and that works just fine.

To those sceptics who don’t see the value of 432 I would just say that music is subjective there are no absolute values. Convention has you playing input devices that are intentionally a little out of tune in order that they work for any key. If you haven’t refined your hearing enough to notice that’s just fine and good luck to you but you aren’t working the edge.

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Tuning systems (such as 12-tone equal temperament, just intonation etc) are a completely separate issue to the reference frequency.


That’s the whole point. The referential frequency is no absolute whatsoever. It’s purely conventional (1Hz is purely conventional, so come on), and choosing 432 is as good as 431, 433, 432.54629582876 or… 440. So there is no intrinsic value in 432. As there is none in 440. But 440 is set as a common standard, which helps a lot in instruments manufacturing, band tuning, music production, and therefore in general human cooperation. And that’s its brilliant value. For that reason, 432 is not so quite neutral and innocently subjective. It’s actually disruptive. Especially when considering all these conspirational or new agey nonsenses, which are an actual background for choosing this particular number. So promoting this choice is a simultaneous validation of quackery.