This morning I woke up with the thought “hmmm if we now have 2x track scaling… can we use the sequencer as an oscillator?”
Well check this out! I only had a few minutes to play with it, but I made this pattern of kicks (image below), set my BPM to 300 with a 2x scale (600 BPM), and used the retrig at 1/80 on one of the notes. In theory this would produce bass/sub-bass tones, with the retrig producing a higher tone.
It worked! While this sequence is playing, if you play with the sample tuning, you get some really interesting changes.
It may not be great to melodies and tunes but for making unique glitchy things it could be fun
On the tr8 I often run it full speed / slowest it’ll go and engage scooper , it’ll make weird noises too.
Add delay , reverb , mangle a few knobs and it might surprise people as it glitches the fx etc all together.
I’m not at my DT now, but when I get home I want to try slicing this with a square wave LFO (on samp tune or samp volume). That will add another “note” since the LFO can do some low-fi FM/RM.
If that works (and is audible) I want to record some automation of the LFO rate to hear the syncing change.
Chances are that it will be a mess of dissonance but I find that there’s sometimes a sweet spot in that dissonance that you’ve never heard before.
You know, I bet there’s a way to invent your own waveforms with your method here.
I could be way off, but I think in theory- you could have a noise sample trigger once and then put trigless trigs adjusting the volume to alter the shape.
I THINK! if you play it fast enough that should make a waveform?
Yes - I think this will work (kind of). The BPM is cutting everything into small slices, but they are much longer than a single cycle, so you should be able to inject different tones/sounds. I would be surprised if a sound lock will work at this pace, and if so my hat is off to Elektron
If I’m doing my math right, 600 bpm comes out to 40hz for normal trigs, and with 1/80 retrigs it goes up to 200hz. I have no idea if that’s what really going on, but you can definitely hear notes forming.
As you pointed out, you can loop samples to play this fast no problem. It should sound the same if you take a kick and loop it at 40hz.
I also want to say that I apologize to any Elektron engineers (if they read this and are shaking their heads). I’m fully aware this is NOT the intended use of scale by track.
And in therory if you duplicate the track and sound and copy it to the next track, change the sound of the second track, ans switch it to high pass…then by using ctrl all on the filter you morph between the 2 “OSCILATORS” smoothly like a wavetable…maybe…
OK just discovered something significant worth sharing…
Funny how I didn’t even know how to use this stuff Digitakt 1.11 : Bug reports and that limit turned out to help me
As I added more and more tracks, I found that indeed the DT eventually got angry with me, and I hit a few exception errors. But, by limiting the tracks to 2 trigs, I have lots of head room again.
lol, you managed to crash it? Nice stress testing! I need to try this trick out on the OT MK2. IIRC it’s the only elektron box without a plock limit so will be interesting so see whether or not it balks at this sort of tomfoolery.