A coherent collection of modern porta studio solutions

To be fair that’s a great price for a big-ass mixer that also records. There are newer mixers that do it but they cost triple. And none of them have wooden sides.

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The battle station is nearly fully operational. The D3200 and my new mic arrived last night. Woo hoo.


Nice G&L. I think I have the same series but fretless and with a butterscotch-natural body.

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Thanks man! It’s one of the Made in Japan L2000s. I’m more a guitarist than a bassist, so it’s basically just for recording, but I absolutely love it. Pretty much every sound I could ever want, although I wouldn’t mind having an old telecaster bass for the simplicity.

I finally finished reading the 200-page manual for this monster and got my Flint and El Cap going on the Aux Sends (although I need shorter cables and a better spot to mount them). I might experiment with the Möbius after the Flint to try adding a bit of chorus or phaser after the reverb.

Anyway, I think I’m almost ready to start recording some tunes. Loving this thing so far. It’s super powerful but the menu diving isn’t as bad as I had feared because the menu buttons are pretty well-thought-out. It shows its age with some things, but it’s still a beast and was a steal at $250.


Seems the zoom L12 would be nice for some late night sessions and general breaking the DAW rut.

Any experiences with it?

Looks like no midi. That’s what killed the modern Portastudio for me.

Anyone tried the Boss BR800? I looked at the BR80 mentioned above and the UI Looks fiddly to me.

OP1 as Tape Recorder Looks indeed attractive.

But pricewise those Zoom F8/F4/,H6 look like an alternative with even simpler Workflow.