A noob's guide to sample management on the Analog Rytm

I can’t remember if it’s been mentioned in this thread, but this might help you:

From a pad, select a spare sample slot in your pool. Press ‘function’ + ‘yes’.

You’re now browsing the +drive and can load any sample on the Rytm to that pool slot and the current pad.

Makes life soooo much easier, and makes it easy to audition samples too.


How do I get my own custom samples on the +Drive list. I think that is what is really driving me nuts.

Here’s a clear explanation for the MK I. You also need to deactivate Overbridge Mode. Hope this helps.

is this possible??

I swear on creating sample chains. This to me is really good for workflow and creativity, and also makes selecting samples alot easier.

I create them where possible and where I find them useful. For instance I dont create them for kick top/attack samples. I choose 1 or 2 and thats that. Especially percussion and hats benefit from this. Long samples that might get chopped is a different story.

I have a folder named “samplechains” where they all reside. Just load it in and I have 60 or 120 samples to chose from. Dont like it and I’ll swap to the next.

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This seems as good a thread as any to ask this: I have read and searched and come to the conclusion that there is no way to identify/collect/purge the samples on the +drive to identify the ones that are being used on tracks?

I want to delete all of the ones that I haven’t used and refresh the + drive. Seems like I am going to have to take a note of all of the samples that I have used and manually purge…or am I missing something??? So much easier on OT…so much more memory it’s just not a thing!

I have read a lot of peeps complaining about sample management but hadn’t really encountered anything too annoying until now.

Check this out. It’s fairly simple, unless you’ve got thousands of samples saved on the +Drive to go through.

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@Reframe Thanks for taking the time to reply. I tried this but found that scene locked samples that were not loaded to pads were showing as being not in use. I will double check this again though in case I made a mistake! It would be a better starting point than checking every pad…

HOLY FN HELL, back at my own damn thread because for the life of me cant figure out how to add my own gd fn samples to the mf’n analog rythym, is it still necessary to use the sysex librarian? All i want to do is drag or use import sample to the usb connected overbridge rythm, what iin the hell is going on here?

Replying to my own thread because it’s utter insanity and I know I will be here again.

  1. There is no mention of the word import in the manual, don’t waste your time
  2. The internet spams with outdated info about a c6 BullFS sysex libarian from 1988, nowhere to be found
  3. Searching google for Import samples to analog rythm, add samples to analog rythym, etc fn etc all revert to posts from 2015 even if you have it tagged for last year results, thanks elektron for erroneously meta-tagging your forums so you show up in google with irrelevant search results. real greasy of ya smh…

The latest answer, of which you wont find in the manual, or anywhere on google per the above fkery, navigate to https://www.elektron.se/support/?connection=analog-rytm-mkii#resources
and download the new sample importer which is mentioned fn nowhere. This company could hire a gd intern , and the intern would be CEO in a week because they have what plants crave, electrolytes. GD idiocracy. just got brondo’d again…


you can use the elektron transfer app, you might be able to find more info about it in the news section on here? but it’s simple and easy to use

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I already knew about the Transfer app, because it is listed right there on the RYTM support page where you download the manual.

But I checked the manual anyway, and scrolled down the TOC until I saw ‘Transferring samples from a computer’.

Went there and this is what it says:


  1. Connect Analog Rytm MKII to the computer via USB.
  2. Open the Elektron Transfer software (Available on the Elektron website) on your computer

Maybe you were in a hurry to just get the samples onto the machine and excited to just start playing, we all know that feeling, but I think your assertion that the whole of Elektron could be replaced by some interns is a little unfair.

I agree it is a bit frustrating that all the videos & tutorials on the Internet is for C6, but that is the price of progress. Elektron (fairly) recently replaced C6 with Transfer, because C6 was very old, and the method it used to transfer samples was very, very slow. So Transfer is great, and I’m thankful Elektron improved this aspect, but it will take a while for all tutorials to catch up.


Wow, good tip. So would this work without the OB app too?

So basically the recommended workflow is;

  • import samples to rytm
  • create a sound on a track (with sample in it)
  • save as a ‘sound’
  • then in a new project, I can just ust INIT kit, make a pattern, and then choose from the saved sounds, and it will automatically import that sample to an empty sample slot?

Digging up an oldie, but am currently trying to manage my sample library a bit better and as stated, see there is no way to collect samples used in a project, move them to a new directory etc so you can remove all other samples on + Drive without affecting the ones being used. My question is, if i save a sample on a track as a sound, is that sound still referencing that sample to its path on the + Drive or does it make a copy of it, allowing me to delete the sample folder it once resided in on the + Drive?

It’s great you can view samples in ram, select unused, and remove those. But you should be able to collect the remaining samples, create a new directory and move them there. I am about to go through all my projects and manually write down what samples are being used so i can save those and delete everything else so i can start from the ground up with a new method. I see Elk Herd allows you to sample manage on the project level for the digitakt, but not the Rytm. Would be sweet if they could throw us a bone in a future update to make this a little easier, similar to an MPC

EDIT: Also, can anyone confirm the SDS app still works on the new Rytm OS? I see the reviews in the app store are about 6-7 years old. Curious if it has been updated to still work before i buy it

is there a file limit for one folder? I startet reorganize aswell, and it seems, that i cant set the upload folder, i.e its ignored in 1.61 E.

I dont think there is a file limit. I have sample folders with a few hundred drum samples in them and it is ok.

I have been using Transfer in the “Explore” mode to manage folders and it works pretty well.

I will give it another go, rytm did mention something with upload error - but that was after i transferred 700 samples.

just a small hint, if you want to convert audio samples into sounds and only use the sample slot, be sure you turn down the volume of the analog machine (switchin it off will not work) if you only want to reload the sounds later on … if you switch the machine off it can happen that you will hear the sample plus the machine while prelisten thru the sound browser depending what the setting is on the pad you are using