A question for the Machinedrum users

No, I find it much easier to use but limited in a not bad way.

seems to be the usual many threads; new product release, letā€™s hold up a mirror to the device that started this ball rolling. does it replace it?

bottom line is (and without meaning to echo what many have said already here) you canā€™t replicate the sound of the MD, whatever components/chipsets were utilised at the time have been replaced with newer (betterā€¦) stuff.
you could try and emulate it but it would probably be much cleaner. and half its charm for me is its filth and inadequacies.

In no way is the MD perfect, it clicks, glitches (when pushed under certain situations) and has loads of idiosyncrasies/limitations that weā€™d all be up in arms over if released today.
Some people say the sounds are dated, but its upto the user through experimentation (with 16 LFOs modulating one track and new X NFX thereā€™s still lotā€™s of new audio to explore i believe), resampling and digging deep to take it to new places.

Something about all of that wrapped up in the box makes it still the most fun and surprising box to play with.
And Syntakt looks very close to that fun! Canā€™t wait to try it to compare.


Except he ended the post by suggesting the equally rare Nord Drum 2!

for me the matter has now been settled. I bought a rytm mk 2 black today for 600 euros. this is sheer madness. now I just hope that this is not a scam and that everything arrives safely. After I read the comments about the machinedrum, I suddenly wasnā€™t sure anymore. I will now deliberately ignore the syntakt so as not to fall for the GAS.


I love the MD and I would never get rid of it. My only very petty complaint is that I wish the analog open hi hat didnā€™t have that weird volume fade out and in.

I think choosing an MD nowadays comes down to musical personality and needs. Iā€™ve never used any Elektron products beyond the Octatrack, but if I was to take a guess, I would imagine that anything released after, and including, the OT, whether alone or in combination with multiple Elektron devices, would be a fair, excellent, and even more powerful setup than a Machinedrum by itself, therefore, I wouldnā€™t even recommend anyone to get one.

This is just my less than educated and stellar guess and assumption - again, I have no experience with newer Elektron products post-OT.

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