A Show of Shows - Superbooth, SFF, NAMM - Spring 23

I spotted the “conspiracy theory meme guy” lurking at NAMM.



He’s in the back of an interview with Reverb rep, Fess Grandiose ( for real ), talking trends, with Nick Batt, so the “Conspiracy Meme Guy” definitely belongs in the picture.

Elektronauts is a great place for discussion of Reverb conspiracies – they fix prices and monitor your personal life, and have a plan to take over the world.

Where can we get the magazine, i guess it was only at NAMM.

The Reverb Paisley Drum


Has this been posted?

I’ve been planning to buy some Eurorack to get into Two Voice territory with the Matriarch but also kind of half holding off thinking there might be a more direct option not so far away…


“a little something new”, oh dear, that sounds dangerous!

Like as little as a desktop version?


who knows? desktop version seems likely or a 2 voice little something :slight_smile:

Or maybe a single SEM?

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My guess is something in the Take 5 price range. It has been about a year since the OB-X8 was introduced, and the Take 5 was introduced about year after the P5. Maybe a new take on an Oberheim Two Voice or Four Voice. Or maybe an updated OB-1. They went grey panel on the X8, maybe they will again with this next one:


Ugh I regret selling my OB1 years ago (for $450 no less). I would love if they reissued that.


An Oberheim in Take5 territory would be mind blowing. I’m getting anxious as SB approaches but after NAMM I’m keeping expectations in check.


physical modeling maybe?


I hope so, that would be great. I’d love to see one of the big companies tackling Physical Modeling synthesis, and to be honest I’m surprised Yamaha don’t have any such synths on the market!

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Hang on a minute! Since they refer to it as an “Acoustic Synth”, I think it might be some sort of electromachanical synthesizer that uses actual moving parts to generate its sound.

Korg have already proven themselves capable of developing components in the form of their very own Nutube. So don’t be surprised if analogue-minded Tats and his team have been developing some tiny, purpose-designed electromachanical components to be used in what might become a whole range of electromechanical synthesizers.

If it were Physical Modeling I can’t imagine why Korg would refer to it as an “Acoustic Synth”. So I reckon it could be an actual elecromechanical synthesizer using tiny, purpose-made components that are conductive to generating sound.


Korg Berlin did have a man with the title of “applied physics engineer” on staff for a while, but he has moved on, or changed titles, as i can’t find him on staff now. That was unusual enough that i made note of it in this post.

The other thing that was unusual was the research they were doing on plastics, and the stress they are making on sustainable development, also noted in that post.

ADDED : The staff has definitely changed, i think the physics guy might have been older, i noticed an older engineer, and he is gone. BTW in development, it is quite common for experts to be brought in for short term contract assignments, this is not a sign of instability. They also have a mechanical engineer, and typically they would be there for mechanical parts, as opposed to assembly issues.


Norand will be showing their Norand Mono Mk2 at SB. See post in this thread.


Damn, had such hopes for a Stereo. :wink:

Knobula Pianophonic

It’s an eight voice wavetable synth, with what looks like some interesting functions.

From the article below :
Knobula ships the module with an SD card featuring many key-mapped wavetables derived from a wide variety of instruments including four types of acoustic piano, electric piano, guitars, tuned percussion, several classic synthesizers as well as other useful sets of harmonic waveforms. You can also upload own sounds via Knobula’s online Waveslicer tool. Thus, you can also create your own custom sounds for Pianophonic.

Personal reaction – i really like the way this sounds and the sorts of things it apparently can do.


Interesting. I could see the appeal of this in something like NiftyKeys…

Clank Proteo

Very unclear what this is exactly, more at the tease phase :

We’ll have to wait.


Nooo. :grin:

Displays suggesting dual/stereo wavetable?
Intrigued… O for thru-zero FM maybe?

Waveshaping or perhaps even a filter right side?
Freeze buttons!
Definitely freeze buttons.

Proteo is a new stereo oscillator with a constantly evolving character. Whether it is an analog or digital core is unknown, but I point to digital because the previous Clank modules were more in the digital field.

According to the developer, it uses two independent time-based acquiring paths that transform incoming voltages into sounds. From this, it casts a mold for the oscillator waveform.

Clanks says the sonic result is a constantly evolving waveform with a freeze functionality on each side. Plus, you can blend it with a sine wave. Further, the two oscillators are tied together from the common pitch. With the span control, you can set the pitch distance in between.


New case from Befaco, or did I just miss this earlier? https://www.befaco.org/

Also as DIY apparently…
Very curious what the price is going to be.
Befaco ain’t exactly cheap tbh. (not that I’m complaining!)

I believe I heard Robin Vincent / Molten Modular say he will have something new to show at the Befaco booth.

I thought their Motion MTR was pretty neat.
Was looking forward to see another nerdy tool.