A4 - automatic page switch of patterns larger 16 steps

This is a newbie question:
If a pattern is longer than 16 steps, it covers more than one page.

To see the note trigger LEDs of the pattern I have to select the page manually.
If I do not switch page manually, only the currently selected page is shown

Is there any possibility that the current page is selected automatically, so that I see the note triggers in record mode without switching the page knob manually? Without this, grid editing is really pain.

Thank you for a hint.

Not possible. Would be handy from time to time, although i can see why it’s not that way

Thats a shame, I am used to this because I had a Radikal Technologies Spectralis II before and there was a setting so that you could decide yourself if it should follow the page or not…Thank you

you probably won’t be the first, but you could always ask to have it considered for an update ! Certainly useful as an option