Wondering if others are having this. When I press play on Ableton it takes a small second for the A4’s delay to sync into the external tempo (coming from Ableton). Here’s an audio example of what I mean
It doesn’t do this in Logic however, (but I don’t use Logic). I’ve tried contacting Ableton but they’ve not been much help. So wondering first if this happens to others here.
I have considerable tempo drift with ableton via usb or midi.
It messes up the delay a lot because it keeps trying to correct.
I’ve given up on trying to fix it and instead just manually tempo sync and let ableton only send the transport start/stop.
and how do you find the syncing this way?? i am going to give this a shot, i have never thought to do it this way before…its really annoying the amount of drift that i get while sending clock from ableton…like you - it renders the delays useless and takes the smoothness out of a slow lfo for me
Hmmmm, I guess that probably is the simplest solution to the problem and can work for now. Ableton of course deny the problem and suggest me checking midi cables, midi preferences etc etc. How much did I pay for Live Suite again?
I have absolutely no issue at all with syncing to Ableton. You might want to troubleshoot your system and make sure it is all set up as it should. The only way to get tighter sync for me is to use an innerclock device,