A4 Feature Requests

Two oscillators + suboscillators = four note chords.[/quote]
nah, that’s just an awkward workaround to mimic a chord. thanks though. i mean real chord memory that can also play the 4 voices… that would make arps more fun to play/record too. you wouldn’t need the transpose function to transpose the arp up and down. just play the little keyboard, the chord is already there, memorized. :+1:

It would be great if 1 of the 5 performance-knob targets could be another performance-knob. So 1 turn could change the 5 targets of another

Curves ( paraboles or hyperboles ) for the 5 performance values so changes wouldn’t be only linear.
Keytracking for the Amps.

Mycroshift for all trigs at once.

A delay-fuction for the LFO’s.

i think you are talking about individual track scales , cause length is already implemented. :wink:


are they actually updating or working on new features for the a4 at all?

i’d really love to have those individual track scales (which to me is the most important thing missing) as well as for example waveforms like the 5th, but 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, too…

New noise filter was just added with OB beta OS. So, yes.

Is there a way to make the LFO unipolar? Not in the “turn counterclockwise and it affects a parameter negatively” way but so that say the square wave goes from say 0 to 10 instead of -5 to +5 . It would save me a bit of hassle having to divide by two and adjust the original parameter as well as the LFO amount.

Wonderful idea …

speaking of lfos: interlace please! similar to the intl on the mm.

spent some time saving and organizing my sounds (naming, tagging, etc.).
seems like there is no warning when you save a sound with the name and tags that is already taken. some form of notification before i hit save would be nice. :+1:

Are page´s led multi colour?

Are page´s led multi colour? [/quote]

Hi. Perhaps I’ve missed something. As I’m quite new to the A4! Would it be possible for every pot/knob to have a return to centre or zero function, by pressing down/clicking it? It seems this works with some pots. Why not all? (If there is no zero then why not return to previous entry)?

Just push the FUCTION button while turning … no need for pressing down… :wink:

Hi. I know about the Function knob’s functionality :sunglasses: I was hoping for similar on every pot! But, I’m unsure if it’s technically possible?

The option for saving FX as FX-Kits.

Not sure if this has been mentioned before and it’s something that I think all of Elektron products should have:

A complete undo function that works on any action you take. A simple button combo would suffice. I realise that many things can be undone, like copying for example but I think a proper undo function would be invaluable. I can’t be the only one that has lost work thanks to a stupid mistake in button combos.

Are page´s led multi colour? [/quote]
Maybe dim the LEDs or make them flash instead?

Are page´s led multi colour? [/quote]
Maybe dim the LEDs or make them flash instead?[/quote]
Good Idea !

I totally agree. This would be a fail safe. And only one set of key presses to remember.

Another request: The CV track records velocity from an external controller, there is however, no way to link this to a CV Output. It would be great to be able to link this instead of having to re-program it manually.