A4 Feature Requests

Being able to mute the EXT IN of the FX page from the performance page ( I mean not the sequencer trigs, but the actual EXT sound)

Some sort of protection to the destination knob in the LFO and ENV pages: I keep on scrambling destination when I mean to alter the value. I am considering a mark on the value knobs to avoid the problem.

p-locks for arpeggiator on/off (that would be fun)

A way (pc editor or internal) to display of pattern and kits. I have a few global backups full of nice patterns mixed with shite that I would love to tidy up in a single backup for recording/gigging purposes.

In step record mode, as the time cursor moves, it would be nice if the LEDs on the keyboard could display the note of the actual trig in real time, without having to press and hold the trig. This way one could see the root note of the pattern at a glance.

At last a feature request thread!!
(Hallo everybody, by the way)

+1 for that!

a fully tuneable subosc would be nice or a way to use the headphone output as 2nd output

This possibility might already exist.
Somebody dismantled an Analog4 and found 2 gigabytes worth of flash memory, on-board!
What’s the purpose of all this storage space, I wonder?

I have an OP-1,…is there a sequencer that does “forward backward”? I know Endless doesn’t…which one?

I have an OP-1,…is there a sequencer that does “forward backward”? I know Endless doesn’t…which one?[/quote]
Yes, I have a Quasimidi Polymorph and it indeed will do forward/backward/random, and what I would like on the A4, like the Polymorph, is a much simpler way to mute individual steps/tracks. The only drawback with incredible Polymorph is although you can connect a midi keyboard to control and also like the A4, you can use an external synth in either of it’s external inputs that will act as the oscillator #1 of 3; you cannot fully sequence external synths with it’s powerful synth engine’s parameters. Polymorph’s Local Off has to be activated and it would certainly sequence that external synth, but with only note on/off and length…but at least it’s there. Lastly, Polymorph CAN have different time signatures per track as well as lengths, and would love Elektron to look at some of the Polymorph’s functions since they went bankrupt, after all, and the company now is Radical Technologies, where he took the Polymorph to level of The Spektralis.
Have held onto it because it’s not only rare and versatile, but want to be able to incorporate it in A4 work flow with all my other hardware synths and now iPad with iStudio iS202, once I master my rather new to me A4.
Midi out on the A4 really needs implemented and since Clock Out was recently added, cannot imagine this not becoming a reality, as well as Poly.

Still haven’t bought the unit, but from what I understand:

-instead of setting the length of each pattern, there should be a way to set the length of each pattern page within a pattern. Would make it easier to have tidy time signatures, for example first page 5/8 (five steps long), second page 7/8, third page 7/8, fourth page 8/8 (4/4) - instead of having a 27 step long pattern that lasts for one page plus 11 steps with no natural placement of the beats.

-have the lowest part of the structure be a “project”, and have 16, 32 or 64 of those, so that you don’t need to share patterns, stored patches etc between different songs (to use sounds/patterns from other projects you’d simply copy them over). You could still save different songs within a project so that you could use it like today, but it would be nice to have the option of having one project/song being completely independent of the other stuff you do on the unit.

It’s been a while since I thought about features that would make the A4 more usable. After several months it comes down to these features, that I miss most:

[li]+Drive or something like projects, that hold all settings (incl. globals)[/li]
[li]PLocks for the Arpeggiator to allow ratchet like sequences and more dynamic generative (sub-)sequences[/li]
[li]Individual time signatures for tracks in advanced mode, just like on the OT[/li]
[li]Simple Midi Note Out for all 6 Tracks on their respective Midi Channels. [/li]

The latter would actually be state of the art to me as one usually wants to stack layers or replace parts with external synths. And I don’t want to be limited by using only CV-capable synths or loose CV outputs that way for live-performance.


It would be great to preview each sound that is saved in Kit, just like you can if you select an individual sound per track. This would make swapping between kits so much more efficient, especially for those of us who’s memory is shot and can’t remember which sound is on which track for that Kit.

A quick way of changing the parameters at once on all tracks and reverting back to saved. Much like the Machine Drum. This would be tits! AS you wouldn’t need to setup the performance page, and would be a good way of quickly changing the sound values on the fly.

P-lockable arps

Would be great to have a sweepable EQ section on the effects tracks for all 4 voices.

…oh yeah,and poly!

I’d love a randomizer function for creating new sounds.

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In addition to the arp locks(which would blow the doors off this synth imo)

I would love a way to clear a tracks trigs with in one action. Currently you have to be in LIVE REC and then hold down the TRACK + NO for the length of the pattern. It’s not very conducive for live input/re-input.

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It does need a proper 303 slide for sure!! Again, 303 like slide PLEASE!!

Yes ! Randomiser Function!

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It would make the most sense to have drum kits mapped across the mini keyboard, as suggested on elektron-users.com’s feature request thread, so that grid recording works the same as always.

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[li]solo button (goes for all elektron machines)[/li]
[li]some possibility to set individual min/max values for each performance macro in order to control the scope of sound destruction in performance mode[/li]

i wish that a double click on the trk btn will open the sound bank yeaaaaaaaa

At least with the Monomachine you can hit poly mode and it effectively solos that track. Sure would be lovely to get that style of poly implemented on the A4. Even a single patch only poly would be better than the nothing it’s got now.

Honestly though, the already mentioned free running LFOs are the only thing that are on my want list.

++++++1 This would open a whole new immediate wormhole of sound possibilities without having to wish for a genetic mutation and growth of a third or fourth hand!