A4 Feature Requests

i don´t know the difference . is there any diference ? i have a video in soundcloud where you can hear glide and slide in the analog four (similar to 303 bassline) >

I wish I knew how to explain the A4 glide, but I have no idea how the logic behind it works. I still haven’t read the manual though, maybe it explains the logic. I know how to place glide trigs, but they don’t always seem to work the way I would expect them to. Sometimes it glides, sometimes it doesn’t, for no apparent reason.

I know, RTFM!

  • track note length as assignable parameter in performance mode (sure you could use adsr envelopes, but this could safe some slots there)

  • option to turn off the automatic octave jump when you reach the high note C on the A4-keyboard in transpose mode

+1 Excellent idea, that would be genius if combined with individual time sigs per track. And the button for the track would already be there!

I’m really surprised to have not seen more of these requested, perhaps peeps forget that the LFOs are digital since the A4 is so very analog.
User LFOs or something like NI Massive’s steppers and performers would be the icing for me.


I’m really surprised to have not seen more of these requested, perhaps peeps forget that the LFOs are digital since the A4 is so very analog.
User LFOs or something like NI Massive’s steppers and performers would be the icing for me.[/quote]
Also, more LFOs, another 2 would be great for creating ambient textures etc. I would imagine this wouldn’t be too difficult to implement?

The difficulty does not lie in the implementation, rather reserving enough CPU power to ensure that everything can happen simultaneously. Playing all tracks, fx, plocks, envelopes, LFOs etc at the same time.

A new LFO per track would be six more LFOs that have to be updated in real time, can be plocked and so on.

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I think the elektron-minds have considered enough CPU-power for some more features
anyway… i´m looking forward for a new OS

although, given the “limitations (in terms of hardwired circuits)” on the hardware-side guided by a conservative thinking-style what is possible and what is not, some hypotheses about future-implementations could be extracted

Hey Barfunkel,
I will attempt to the best of my knowledge explain how the slide works to me.
1st - 303 slide will slide from one note to the next. You place the slide on the beginning of the ramp. The slide can go over many steps - I think the max is 16 - - but that’s not here no there as you don’t have a 303
The A4 is different. You place the slide command on the end of the ramp - where you want the note to slide to. So If you want an octave slide you would have note C2 on step one, C3 on step 2, add the slide command to step two and viola. I found this only works for short slides, 2 steps - you can adjust the rate of the slide with the SLI setting in the 2nd page of OSC 2.
If you want to make a slide that goes over more than 2 steps, I recommend using the OSC TUN setting to set the notes (not the actual note keys) parameter lock the two steps you want the slide, adjust the note length, and you can have a slide that spans an area greater than 2 steps. I wished elektron would improve the slide function to be more similar to a 303’s as my solution is quite tedious.
L8r man,

I am sure that that is not a problem for the Motorola 56303 (!) chips in the Analog Four. LFOs are not computationally expensive; consider that a Virus has 48 of them, and the last Virus is using an older version of that DSP chip. I would estimate that the A4 is using only about 40-50% of the onboard DSP, and half of that the power that it does use is going towards the reverb (which is computationally expensive).
Bottom line is that there is plenty of room for growth on the A4.

I just sent this in as a feature request, referring to both this thread and some previous ones on the subject…and I encourage others to do the same. There seems to be near-universal agreement that the slide should applied to the first rather than the last note(s) of a slur, automatically extend the length of the note(s), and propagate existing note parameters such as velocity and pitch which can then be modulated by the output of the glide function.

I’m not 100% sure I want it to grow. Particularly not if it means more convoluted user interface. As it is, things are never more than 2 button presses away, I’d hate for things to be behind several button presses.
Iron out the few bugs, a few tweaks here and there and I’m happy for life!

key trackable LFOs for tuned FM!!!

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Patch management. Call me boring, but I want to browse a bank of basses, a bank of kicks etc. Each bank should have 128 sounds. At the moment I have to keep dumping sets of sounds to the A4 via Sysex to browse beyond 128 sounds. In 2013 that seems overly limited, especially if there is actually the memory capacity on board.

proper saw wave in the lower range…

global groove grid - when using odd patternlength like 7 the shuffle is shifted every loop

autoexit from submenues …maybe after definable seconds it jumps back to “normal” page

negative/positive indicators like little dots right or left at the encoder symbols (because sometimes its hard to read either if its pos. or neg. with small values)

clicktrack assignable to headphones only


++++++++1 on this, PLEASE?!!!
Proper MIDI OUT!!! Having an all hardware synth set-up, many racks and keys as well, I would like to have ability to if anything, send midi note on/off when sequencing other gear WITH A4 sounds via midi…and PLEASE not make it so Local Off is only way to do it.
Ability to change time signatures per track and be able o change direction of whole track or even portions of track to reverse, loop within a track X amount of times then carry on.
Make the Arp much more versatile and utilitarian.


I would like the little keyboard note leds to light up in accordance to the active, triggered trigs.

i also don’t understand the logic behind the glide function…why do i have to set the notelength to over a 1/16th to get the slide working…shouldn’t it be set automatically by default when placing a slide-trigger? now, placing slidetriggers seem to do nothing until you “correct” the notelength of the pre-note …please change that!..like before said “legacy 303 slide mode”…