A4 MKII sound pack upload

quick question ~ went to upload sounds to a different bank and noticed A ~ F show (0); is that normal? i have read that the factory sounds are usually in banks A & B and just don’t want to overwrite anything

You won’t overwrite anything, you have to delete something to make room.

OK, that makes sense now that I look at it… thanks

thanks for the reply earlier, now I have another :wink: ~ is there an easy way to lock sounds in a bank so that I don’t overwrite what is there? i did see something about adding them to a track or ??

Use the toggle option in the sound manager option menu. I think you can probably select a bunch of patches and select toggle for all of them at once (not sure)

Once you select a Soumd from a Bank of the +Drive or from the Sound pool (look for “Sound locks” in the manual), the sound is copied in your Kit.
In other terms, you don’t modify the Sounds stored in your machine, only the ones I your Kits.

Now if you wish to overwrite a Sound, it’s possible, but you have to save explicitly your Kit Sound in the +Drive slot you wish to overwrite.