A4 seqeuncer notes and minikeys discrepancy

i was about to tune some € osc’s with a4 and just could’nt get it right. i were able to config v/oct with no problem on two digital osc’s and finally an analog.

thought they were out of tune or that i messed up the settings in a4 - then i noticed the notes are in tune when i play the keyboard on a4, C2 on a4 and the scope on the €-osc shows the same. but when i input a note on a4, say C2 in the sequencer it plays D2, it displays C2 but when playing the tone that comes out on the minikeys it shows it’s D2.

ive been messing with €-osc in vain :stuck_out_tongue:
any help with saving my evening is greatly appreciated

It’s harder to say for sure without any details from you about what you’ve set up on CV settings etc … more likely though, have you checked there’s no transpose active btw - I think keys play the midi note and transpose only affects the sequencer


I’m not sure I understand correctly, but could this be related to the bug in firmware version 1.30 that lead to the mini keyboard not showing the correct note values (see Analog Four MKII firmware release notes, p. 4)?

Sounds like.


it was transposed… :roll_eyes:

thank you everyone. :brain: