A4 simulated sidechaining with LFO/plocks?

anyone care to share their tips and settings for simulating 4/4 sidechaining on the A4? or just discuss?

i’ve been playing around with assigning an LFO to the AMP VOL of a track with (seemingly) ok results, but would be interested to hear how others do it…


That’s how I do them on the Octatrack but I think they have the same waveforms.
Perhaps a Aux Envelope with a negative Depth? I’ll try something when I’'m back at my machine.

I use an inverted ‘ramp up’ that pumps every 1/4 beat. I put the LFO on the low-pass filter cutoff. I think I use 32 SPD and 16 MUL to sync to the beat. But I could be wrong, you just have to dial it in. LFO sync is set to Trig

Give it a shot :slight_smile:

A nice schain effect can be obtained adding Reverb.

Shape it long enough and use an LFO to modulate its MixVolume.
• SPEED = -32
• MULT = 16

To ensure 4/4 pumping put a trig on 1st step and use the TRIG mode for LFO or FREE for out of beat effects.

The effect is really trancey :dizzy_face: :alien: :heart:

great - thanks for the tips.

another question - if you have a bassline with notes that aren’t on the 1/4 beats, how would you ensure the lfo peaks/troughs hit those notes -

trigless trigs, let it run free, or something else?

using the reverb you don’t have to worry about the source’s trigs…you need only a trig on the first step of FX track