The other day I unhooked my A4 and Rytm to take to a friend for a little jam session. Having arrived there and set up my gear something seriously strange started happening. And now after having taken my stuff back home it’s still happening.
The situation is that the controls on my A4 are somehow affecting the CH9 on my Rytm.
When turning the Osc1 tuning on a track on the A4 I am also influencing the volume on CH9 (just ch9 not the other tracks on the Rytm). Similarly, pressing the keyboard while on octave -1 (not on higher octaves) on any track is cutting off the sound of CH9 on the Rytm.
Finally when CH9 is muted on the Rytm, pressing the keyboard on a A4 track will actually play the sound on CH9.
So somehow I’m controlling the Rytm hihats over midi on my A4. I have no clue what is going on here or how to fix this. Hoping someone can help me.
TI dont have my machines in front of me
But i know you cm sync and program change
But turn off other midi connections like muts and note
It is not necessary to delete your old project, just learn how to solve the problem
Something like pad send midi off in preferences of rytm
This. It’s a couple of machines - make them do your bidding, learn from the teething problems - get a midi monitor to see what’s going in/out if you’re not aware