Question about swing, I can only go from 50 - 80 % here but I don’t want swing on some of my patterns at all but I can’t go below 50 % is there something I’m missing here?
Function > Swing page then level knob but won’t turn off or go below 50 % for me unless I’m doing something wrong.
Any ideas cause I on’t wanna have swing on all patterns I create.
How much swing can you hear in your pattern when you set it to 50 %?
Some background reading about swing:[/quote]
No mate I know all about swing, all I wanna do is have NO swing on some patterns, it seems the A4 is stuck at 50% and won’t go below. I just wanna turn it off for some patterns that’s all.
Thanks for the link though will have a read.
Thank you it was great doing the Blofeld patches.
I must have had the pattern set at over 60% cause now it’s back to normal. I’m programming a bank for the A4 and a sample pack for the Octatrack for 2015 so having fun here too. Anyways thanks for the advice here musch appreciated.
All the best
I was working on some patterns using some patches I programmed hence the question lol… I was like wtf, Iv’e adjusted something and the pattern was swinging all over the place till I checked then it was just over 60%. I had somehow moved the swing.
I’m just jamming about with the OT and A4 now so if I get something nice captured tonight I’ll stick it on my Soundcloud and post link here somewhere.
Will contain OT samples from my sound pack and A4 patches from that pack. I estimate February (late) before complete.
The machines are just a joy to use especially OT with my other gear midi’d up to it.