A4 Tips & Tricks

I discovered that the delay on the Analog Four works really well as a looper, which helps with the limited polyphony.

With feedback set to 100, delay input filters wide open, and delay overdrive at zero, the delay is very stable and doesn’t seem to degrade or blow out even over long periods. I made a kit with a macro set up to throw sound into the delay line, and another to kill the feedback (to clear the loop), and have been having a lot of fun with just one voice making looped drones/riffs and then shredding over the top. Leaving three tracks free for percussion!


Hey all, does anyone know a trick to be able to ‘perform’ the filter but keeping the filter settings of the sounds from the soundpool that are on the same track untouched? (Sorry my english is broken today …)

Afaik that’s a general limitation with sound locks on all Elektrons I owned so far… (DN, DT, M:C, A4)

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