heres a new jam I’ve been working on for the last few hours, straight off the mixer, no editing other than the quick reverse edit in the intro, tiny bit of limiting.
Thanks for listening! any feedback is always great.
i deleted the old version.
Here’s a new version with an additional bassline from the A4K
I like the mood! It just gets a bit repetitive with time. maybe add some stutter to the snare or a nice breakdown? the delay at the end of the track shows there is some sonic potential for a really dangerous breakdown and buildup
plus, the main synth could e.g. be tuned down by 1 octave while introducing a real sharp hihat…
Hey, thanks for listening!
I did another jam today. This time I added a melodic sequence from the modular as well as a background noise tweak thing. I tried to do more performance stuff this time, so hopefully it wont be as repetitive.