Ableton co-founder Robert Henke thinks we should bring back CDs

I built my pc, but I’ll be forced to trash it because not compatible with Windows 11, and 12 after that.

On your PC consider switching to opensource operating systems. Sure even Linux distros tend to deprecate very old systems at some point, but they tend to stay compatible much much longer and allow seamless upgrades. And if you go to the BSD world chance is that you can make them work much much longer. I reinstalled my mother’s Asus netbook to netbsd a year ago, it was much snappier than the windows it was using before. She won’t be able to open hundreds of browser tabs as that computer has very little memory but at least she can browse a bit, read and send emails, send instant messages.

I tried to keep my phone forever, but I’ll be forced to trash it because I can’t get any new critical updates anymore, and the battery is dying. I did an image search for lithium mining just now, and :nauseated_face:

Phone choice is key here but it is tricky. Some android phones are compatible with lineageos for a long time but it is not 100%sure. Apple ones tend to be supported longer. Next phone I am forced to buy will probably be a fairphone. Manufacturer guarantee at least 5 years of updates (which is quite small) but you can ship them back and they try to recycle as much as they can and they are also well supported by lineageos and /e/ so maybe life can be extended up to 10years with luck?

Buying is not hard. But keeping it… Most people are very bad at preserving digital items. And arguably It’s not that easy. And not that carbon-neutral too, SANs or home servers still require constant electricity. Unless by “personal storage” you mean just a hardrive that you can switch off when you don’t need it. Still, I would advise you to keep multiple copies of it…

Sorry for off topic but when I read pc, compatibility and trash in the same sentence I shudder.

It is expected that W11’s compatibility with older machines will expand.
W10 remains largely playable for a few more years and poses much less compatibility and youth concerns:
does not require a direct x12 compatible graphics card or a secure platform module or a microsoft account… you will be bored by the hardware long before.
It will always be possible to switch to open source as @Tomi-0_o say if your software and hardware are supported.

In short, enjoy your pc and get rid of your trash can.

yeah and it should be pretty obvious for every thinking person that distributing a physical object nation/worldwide for it to be eventually picked up by a physical person in a shop (or more likely delivered personally by DHL to that indiviual’s doorstep) should leave a way bigger carbon footprint than using an existing infrastructure (internet + phone or computer) to transmit some 0’s and 1’s on demand.


You say existing infrastructure like it’s some kind of permanent thing, but the point is that tech is constantly being updated. People have record players for decades but you will have a new phone every few years and a laptop probably every 5, and by then a countries entire network infrastructure is ripped up, replaced, with hundred of rockets blasting into outer space to constantly deploy satellites, caves built with data centres - this is all something pressing vinyl is just not involved in.


CDs but in 12" vinyl sleeve type packaging please👍

EDIT cos I didnt mean this a a reply, damn phone!


The problem with downloads is that the industry simply went in a direction that made paying for downloads obsolete. Some people do it, but it’s just not really sensible when you can stream the music for free or for a monthly price of one album. It’s again a moral option that’s not economically sensible for the consumer, and putting the blame on the user for choosing a cheaper & easier way to consume music is just intellectually dishonest.

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Give me the lossless audio files to download, send me through post a very nice print format of the album’s artwork (LP-sized seems optimal) and I will be a very happy fan.


A T-shirt and a print of the album cover with a possible lyric sheet. IDK, I love physical formats but if we’re going full digital just files are not enough for me to pay for.

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it’s existing infrastructure because phones and computers are multi-purpose devices that people have and use anyway. so is the internet. and yes infrastructure has to be renewed just like every other infrastructure, like for example all those trucks and roads for delivering plastic discs and other goods to places :wink:

look, nobody is saying that digital distribution of media doesnt have a carbon footprint, nor that it is inherently good for the enivronment. of course these devices have to be replaced sometime, will land on a landfill and all those servers and smartphone chargers use energy all the time.

but it’s next to nothing compared to the environmental costs of distributing physical media. think of all these trucks delivering these plastic discs containing digital data to every little shop in every corner of the world where they eventually get picked up (but often will be returned by the retailer and then get trashed or hopefully at least recycled by the distributor). think about all those DVD collections that were amassed in every household for the last 20 years that now collect dust while everybody is using netflix anyway. physical media has its perks but it’s definitely not being friendly to the environment


Again, you’re saying digital is not as wasteful compared to physical media without actually offering any proof. You think it’s this way, but have nothing to base your opinion on.

Here’s some actual numbers regarding movies:

Here’s (again) music:

I use apps and hardware drivers not compatible with Linux yet.
As far as keeping my phone the battery is 95% the problem. For any phone. I am not an Apple consumer anymore.

Netflix is one of the worst infames for our planet…
And not everyone does not use it, fortunately.
For the same reasons as Streaming.
Except that in addition the massive account sharing multiplies the problem.

Here is one example:!

do I really have to put “everyone” in quotation marks so that people understand that I dont mean everyone in the literal sense of 100% of the world population uses netflix?! :rofl:
or do I need to google a study that scientifically proves my (maybe otherworldly, and completely absurd) notion that society largely shifted to streaming media instead of physical media :sweat_smile:

Comparing watching 1 movie in physics and streaming is absolutely ridiculous.
A netflix user will watch much more than what he would watch in physics, it is not with the DVD that binge watching appeared.
A dvd is often lent, rented, reviewed, reviewed with friends, sold or given away. With use of a reader (integrated or not) and a screen.
Streaming requires the same thing but in addition restarts the distribution process.
As a bonus, such big companies (Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Sony…) which manage so many media and users are harmful for cinema and national television which are often the only possibility of financing anything other than imperialist turnips designed to sell more bullshit to people:
Netflix and the others integrate so many pubs more or less hidden in their soup that it boosts the consumption of other things.

Using “everyone” for anything harmful normalizes those things. No, not everyone uses Netflix, Uber, Amazon, Apple, Zalando, l’Avion or whatever else and it’s even a minority, it seems important to highlight.

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That’s too narrow to actually answer the question or prove anything, especially since it’s from 2019 after which both streaming and video resolution, meaning data sent have both skyrocketed.

He’s apparently so sure of his opinion being right that he feels anyone questioning them is absurd. Oh well, not the first person to think so.

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How can comparing the environmental impact of two things that essentially have the same purpose (consuming a piece of art just through a different carrier medium) can be “absolutely ridiculous”?

By the way I am not a defendant of Netflix and other “evil” corporations, it was just an example…calm down :wink:

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aka “This study doesnt underline my opinion so it must be bogus.”

aaand I’m out of this dicsussion…have fun

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