Ableton co-founder Robert Henke thinks we should bring back CDs

I’ve been a DJ for a long time. If people like psychical media… fine whatever… but I’m so sick of hearing about vinyl etc. No I’m not going to buy your fxcking cassette. Please put your next EP on laser disc. I already bought a vintage 8 track to listen to you bland ass techno so getting another outdated media player to listen to your music is no problem. Yea yea digital downloads included. I don’t need more crap to dust off when doing chores.


I’m not an english native-speaker, but isn’t a CD collection just as much a record collection as a vinyl collection? :thinking:


I’m so used to the general internet being what it is that it took a re-read to see that post as agreement and not sarcasm :smiley:

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definitely serious! I’ll do what I can to not buy plastic bottles, but i’d rather just have governments ban companies from packaging in single use plastic.


Sampling from CDs would be the biggest pain in the ass ever. No thank you.

I’m all for treating the earth with respect, but we’re fucked y’all. Removing a little plastic here, vinyl there, etc isn’t gonna stop the massive addiction to consuming the entire planet.

What’s that saying, when it’s all gone only then will we realize you can’t eat money
Where’s our asteroid already


From all the environmental and pollution issues in the world, vinyl records are not in the first top 20 I think… and CDs could be much worse

I am buying some old music on CDs, which was not published digitally, but this format makes not much sense now. Disks are degrading over time, slower than vinyl, but anyways.
There is a need to have an external player nowadays and the cheaper ones could be picky about CD/R quality (mine also does a reset for a while for all other devices in my USB hub which is annoying). Length of 74 minutes was a one person’s choice in 70s? Etc, etc.

New robust, inexpensive digital format (compatible with various platforms) for collectionists - can it be a new big thing? USB-ROM cartridges 10Gb for Hi-res wavs? Like for old consoles :smiley: Or fail by design?

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Another idea - why not focusing on artwork, not on a format and get rid of idea of digipacks and generic CD cases, they are ugly and a waste of resource and money.
Make release as a small book or in vinyl-size package. There are many ways to do it. If there is a little context to the music and artwork makes not much sense - release it on Bandcamp… etc


I like the shirt+download or booklet+download options, especially with bandcamp “coupon” integration.

Streaming and supporting with merch, cotton should at least properly degrade, and the booklet could be recycled at least.


I have records and cassettes I bought over 30 years ago, and CDs from almost as far back, and I will continue to buy all 3 formats for as long as they are available. On the other hand I only change my phone as little as possible, 2 phones in last 11 years.

I’m pretty much firmly in the “fuck music streaming” camp, physical media or downloads are how I listen to most music, and mostly albums. I occasionally download podcasts which I keep to listen to again.

As far as bringing back CDs they never went away for me :laughing:


Illustration of the idea - 2021 release of TAGC – Meontological Research Recording III.
It’s a big book, USB-stick with audio and video and also streaming codes. Ok, they were multimedia project from the very beginning, but anyway.

(Hiding preview because of some graphics in it, not sure what are the forum rules about that :slight_smile: )
TAGC – Meontological Research Recording III

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ah ok, i hadn’t heard that angle. yes industrial chemical waste doesn’t sound ideal. i wonder how it compares to commercial CD manufacturing?

can CDs be recycled? with those layers of alternating materials… I’m not sure…

less weight and material in packaging and postage for CDs, true - but seeing as good FLAC/WAV/AIFFs sound identical or potentially better (24 bit, 48/96k), the real remaining advantage is the art/physical information they come with… i think CDs are a hard sell, in this age of streaming… (personally i still love them - they sound great and can often be found cheaply now)

…so many good arguments for bringing back physical mediums…

but we crossed that line a while ago…so let’s face it…now we see the beginning and coming of the fourth industrial revolution and the age of information…while the big reset is on it’s way…we’re only a few years away from tomorrowland…

no real way back from here without some doomsday inbetween first…
and once that took place…first physical mediums will be books again, i’m afraid…

there even ain’t no daws in tomorrowland for quite a while…sorry robert…we had our time, u know…


Jewel cases are the best. They protect the artwork inside and are easily replaced.

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keywords: «Ableton co-founder».
i guess this has nothing to do with technology or sound quality, and he speaks with commercial success in mind.

Totally, had the same album and that sort of packaging is way more pleasing (and dare I say ‘ecological’ than the jewel cases)

One day… :heart:


Physical things certainly are nice, unfortunately though the wireless digital transmission of music pretty much trumps everything else at this point. As nice as it would be to be holding a piece of cardboard for a few seconds, all of those worlds are basically fan niches at this point imo. But you have to ask, in real terms what is the global infrastructure of the maintenance and running of ‘the internet’ in real terms - it’s impact would be absolutely massive. All the towers, the satellites, the modems. Mountains and mountains of digital waste and there is no end to it in sight, while a humble piece of wax and a record player you might keep for a hundred years sits modestly in your lounge room and maybe even crosses generations. I have no problem with vinyl in this regard.


I bought myself a nice Tascam 133 tape deck last winter and have created a habit of recording mixtapes and albums by my favourite artists on cassettes. 15-20 cassettes goes a surprisingly long way and when I get bored of some albums I’ll just record something else over it. This has brought so much joy to listening music that has been lost gradually over the years by listening stuff mostly from YT, which I still sometimes do. I love the sound and the fact that it’s a physical object producing the sound.
I also buy around 5 vinyl records a year and love listening to those as well. Wouldn’t trade these things for anything.