Ableton Live Lite advice... is it worth using instead of waiting on Logic/OB?

I mainly use Logic, but with my uptake in dawless, and the lack of Overbridge in Logic, I was thinking about trying Ableton, mainly to capture stems for mixing/mastering, but also out of curiosity because I’ve never used it at all.

I have a couple of licenses for Live Lite that have come free with gear I’ve bought… my question is- is this sufficient/powerful enough for me to use with OB and give me a feel for Live overall? Or would it be better to go straight for Live 11?

I’m sure there’s a whole world of YouTube content for Logic vs Live, but for those experienced in both, am I better sticking with Logic and waiting for the OB functionality to come?

Since you already have live lite, and you only want it for overbridge, you can just record the tracks with it and import then into logic. However, you can already that with the standalone overbridge app so why bother with live other than to try it and see if you like the different workflow?

Unless you plan to use overbridge in other ways than to record your Elektron hardware…

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I think you should try Live Lite before spending money on Live 11.


Absolutely this.

you can try out live 11 suite for 90 days free of charge. Within 3 months, you should know if its worth buying. What Live does much better than Logic is Audio Warping. I dont know if the lite version also supports complex warp modes. Logic on the other hand is better at handlig large arrangements, because it uses less cpu performance.

Ah ok, that makes sense… I’ve just completely steered clear of Overbridge because I’ve been in Big Sur and Logic 10.6 since I got my first Elektron box.
If I can start there, and avoid the distraction of Ableton, that’ll probably work best for me.

I believe the latest update of Logic fixed the Overbridge issue (I don’t know myself because I’m currently experimenting with Bitwig): Overbridge & Logic 10.6 - #59 by LDP

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