I’d like to change Ot pattern through ableton. The problem is that the midi program change is got by the octatrack only when the scene has changed on ableton, So I change the scene on ableton and THEN, when the scene changes, the message is received by OT which wait for the pattern to finish: the change is not immediate so I always have a delay in the scene/pattern change.
How can I make the OT ance Ableton change in the same moment?
You could do it the other way around - using a midi channel on the Octatrack to change scenes on Ableton?
You could map each ‘scene play’ button on Ableton to be triggered by a different midi note, then use an OT midi track to trigger the relevant note (ableton scene) when you start the relevant Octatrack pattern.
go to pattern’s settings, PAT choose “use prj set”
go to CONTROL, then SEQUENCER and in this page “pattern change” you can choose the time the pattern changes after
Hi there, i wound this form thread and got interested.
Im trying to achieve what you are suggesting here right now. Did you get it to work? Could you please explain how i should go about to make this work?
you basically have to deactivate the quantization setting of your clip sending the PC in ableton
that way; the PC will be sent the second you trigger the scene (but the rest of the scene will wait the end of the pattern playing in Live before changing) and the octatrack will change pattern in time !
to do that click on your midi clip and click on the icon L at the bottom left (next to the E for the envelopes menu) , that will display a new box with launch options and you can set up the quantization of the clip to “none”