Acid on Digitone

weird, fixed it.

Making 303 stlye patches is all about knowing the 303 synthesis. There are some basic elements that most synths can do.
Saw/square wave vco.
Low pass resonant filter.
Filter decay env
Amp decay env
Glide/portamento. (this is essential)

Its pretty basic. Keep a short gate length. Then add the magic with glides and velocity/accent.


@Ess Very Richard James of you :slight_smile:


indeed. straight from the druqks era

I recommend the Digitone on acid


Aahhh well, maybe.
Lots of the stuff Iā€™ve done recently seems to spark some AFX association for a lot of people butā€¦ Itā€™s just braindance/idm stuff, lots of people sounded like that, but RDJ is like the only one that kept doing stuff in that direction, no?

Guess itā€™s not a bad artist to be compared to though, haha.


certainly not :slight_smile:

Sure, I guess he is just the most famous representative of this ā€œgenreā€ā€¦ But still, some of your latest digitone (and model:samples) demos have serious druqks vibesā€¦ I love them.


Gaaahā€¦ Iā€™m inspired now!

Just had a little tweak around with the filter over the sawtooth and canā€™t believe this thing can do another thing.

Nice, nice filter :smiley:

Hereā€™s my contribution

Itā€™s actually very fiddly to make it close to a real 303 since for example the ACCENT also makes the ENV MOD shorter on the original and you really need to stay in the 303:ish sweetspot of the filter. Going to high makes it sound like crap right away. But itā€™s absolutely possible to make acid with the DN :slight_smile:


Reviving this thread to see if anybody wants to try their hand at Acid on the Digitone now with the addition of the Portamento feature.

Iā€™ve been gassing for a tb-03 or the tt-303 but do not want to spend the money! Can anybody help me out with some programming tips? Or just post your patch settings if possible. Thank you!


Did you load the Digitone Keys presets yet? Thereā€™s one in there called TB Square (I think) that might be a good place to start patch wise.


I have not yet, I will do that in the next few days. Thanks for the recommendation!

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Good job ! , it is possible to share your patch?
Thank you

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Peeps need to get out and listen to more braindance IDM releases , found a good one here that has lots of Fm , could it be digitone ? This sounds like he uses that digitone acid patch.

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Maybe they like to compare his stuff to the Aphex Twin ā€œdruqksā€ album because it has acid patch and thin saw(?) was chord pads on top with a braindance IDM drum and synth sequence pattern and time signature, so I think that style is always going to sound Like druqks to people who have only heard that album and donā€™t listen to the genre a lot.

I donā€™t know. Some of @Ess 's demos just breathe a lot of Druqks vibes to me.
Even Aphex himself didnā€™t sound like that anymore after druqks. Itā€™s a particular vibe that I only associate with that album.
If anyone can show me something close to druqks other than druqks (and @Ess :wink: ), please send me links!!


I love it too.
Just a completely different style :slight_smile:

druqks is also my least favorite, his analord stuff is incredible though