Additional AD converters for RME UCX

I don’t think the OP is asking for advice on their pro studio?

For line-level only in a hobbyist studio, the ADA8200 does the job solidly.

For the price, a used FF800 does even better.

Im looking on Reverb at 690euro for used FF and 160euro for new ADA. I would hope itd do a better job for that price difference.

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By that argument the OP should sell their UCX…

Not exactly as it wouldn’t then be doing the converting.

However the OP did say between 7 and 800 so it’s in their price range. But this idea the Behringer is to be avoided at all costs just simply isn’t the case.

If you add any ADAT unit to it its not doing the converting then either so I have no idea what your argument is here. Either quality matters in which case why add crap to an excellent system, or it doesn’t, in which case why have an excellent system at all.

but have you used an ADA8200 before?

Recommendations in that price category were already made and anything RME is a good purchase, they build great gear, so the FF800 is def a good choice also (although at that price range i’d def go Audient for the preamps, just in case so to speak)

The question is not whether a Behringer ADA8200 is as good as a FF800 (or better value for money in general), but rather if it is good enough to give the OP the functionality he’s looking for without compromising sound quality to a point that renders the UCX meaningless.

You said it is not, many of us who own professional grade gear say for mere additional line inputs it is.

now if that means that by that logic the person should ditch their UCX I’m not sure…

The point is that it’s not crap.

This lame debate has happened I don’t know how many times on Gearslutz, people can go there for it. I’m out.

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Doesn’t have ADAT

Traveler MK1 and MK3 do, however.
I use a Traveler MK1 and, thanks to using two ADAT cables (for both in and out) clock it from my main interface, which is much more modern. Makes the Traveler sound real good.

Whatever the OP goes for, make sure you can clock digitally from the better interface. It does make a difference.

Even the Behringer can sound better if it’s the clock receiver and not clock generator. Especially if an RME is the generator.


That’s 100% true,
in my case it will b clocked from RME of course.

After reading all this I really don’t know, maybe just get Ferrofish and forget about all the troubles for next 10 - 15 years. That’s exactly what happened after I got RME - no more troubles or doubts about my computer sound, it just works and sounds ok.

The best thing about RME that is really solid and reliable, got all the options I need and would ever need. Before I used Digidesign, TC Electronic and M-Audio interfaces and it was a nightmare, always something isn’t working, some driver issues, no support, questionable sound etc. Don’t want this mess anymore.

I’m far from being commercial pro-studio, but have reasonable collection of vintage / modular / analog outboard which I record and use in my everyday practice (electronic music, theater, tv/cine sound etc… ). And of course I hear the difference between RME and my Steinberg interface (which I use for live gigs and streaming ), and despite it’s ok, I would avoid using it as my main recording interface. If Behringer clocked from RME will be the same, I would avoid it…

I also investigate another option, I’ve got Eventide H8000FW, always used it in analog domain only, but it has tons of digital connectivity (however, only 4 analog inputs ) so maybe it’s possible to integrate it into my setup and use as additional converters. At the same time, it will be another complication, to reconnect it all the time if I would need it just as fx on mixer aux’s, so better to leave it where it is now I guess.

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@Tajnost I found some time tonight, so I’ve done an AB comparison between the Apollo 8 (blackface) and the ADA8200 for you. Quick and dirty one, you’ll hear the A4 go through both, the AS1 go through both, and the OT go through both. Files were volume matched, so loudness should be equal.

Let me know if/what difference you hear and which one you prefer (A or B), will be back to post which is which after. Here we go:

Hope this helps you make a decision.

EDIT: so for those who’ve wondered here’s the “reveal”:

Device A is always the Apollo 8
Device B is always the Behringer ADA8200

@phibmo tagging you so you’ll see this.



Hey, thanks a lot for the comparison, make sense totally!

There’s a difference especially in OT examples, but as you described it in your previous post, it’s rather subtile and it’s a good question if its worth to spend 10x times more on that difference. I guess, it will be more notable on more complex sources like complete mixes or live sources like voice or acoustic guitar, and quite subtile on analog electronic instruments.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve found after listening. So:

A4 - a bit more “breath” in second sample, so my guess is - A is Behr B is Apollo.

AS1 - really hard to tell what’s the difference here, they’re pretty close. Seems like B has a bit more presence, so I guess - B is Apollo A is Behr.

OT - btw there’s a difference in L/R balance, A has more top end and clarity over the range, more punch. My guess - A is Apollo B is Behr.

So, thanks again and I’m very curious to see your comment on what is what.

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I’m curious here. Thanks for the tests!

I also have an rme with two ada8200 hooked up. I don’t hear a difference in my line signals. Totally satisfied with them and will be buying more. They work.

I actually dont think think you’ll hear a difference paying 4-5 times the price. And I’m talking ada8200 new price vs used whatever price.