ADHD and electronic music

ADHD is a really tough one when it comes to jobs. It’s pretty easy for an employer to make reasonable adjustments for someone who uses a wheelchair or a blind person, but it’s more difficult for things like ADHD.
I think there’s still way too much stigma attached to some of the more visible patterns of behaviour associated with ADHD, which makes it difficult for those with ADHD to sit down with their employers and work out ways of reducing and removing barriers.
Employers need to be a lot more understanding and more flexible in their attitudes and approaches, as there’s so many skilled and talented people not reaching their potential due to discrimination.


Psychedelics helped my existential fear and depression, philosophy changed my egotism and arrogance, but I will never be successful at anything in modern society without amphetamines. I’d be fine if my life consisted of gathering nearby fruit to eat and playing instruments alone in the woods all day, but if I have to be responsible for anything requiring an awareness of time and organization I will fail without meds. Sometimes I will forget to take them and I will lose track of what I did all day, then I will walk into a room the next day and think “What the fuck?” when I realize I did some dumb shit like take apart a radio and leave a mess of wires and screws all over the floor, or there are instruments and cables lying everywhere and I clearly was making music but I can’t remember anything about it or where I recorded it (if I did).
Then I take my meds and fellow adults at my job value my work and the dishes magically get done and I don’t have 20 missed calls on my phone by Friday.
So in my experience (and scientific consensus)…just take the meds. I’d keep taking them even if they cut my lifespan in half, it’d be a life worth living. Meditation and exercise and spiritual enlightenment and etc. are all valuable and worthwhile, and they can improve your health and personality and emotional stability, but they don’t fix ADHD and the drugs do. No psychiatrist worth seeing would prescribe cognitive or physical treatments for ADHD and avoid pharmaceutical ones, it would be like prescribing a vacation to treat schizophrenia or a sugar-free diet for bipolar. I wonder all the time about how my life might have be different if I had been medicated in high school.

Also reading this thread is unsettling as hell, I feel like I’m waking up in some Stepford Wives nightmare and when I walk outside all of you are outside waving at me wearing my same Autechre shirt and holding a Digitone in your purse.

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I’ve not been doing it too long, and it seems that there are various ways in which you can, so I think there’s defo a huge amount of research still needed to get the most accurate data, but I’m finding it having pretty noticeable effects. Both in the short term (it is certainly noticeable, even at 300mg of dried mushroom material) and in the days following. I will say, if a microdose gets you mashed, and then the strain or amount needs to be adjusted. 300mg of a standard cubensis strain should be about right, trying with some of the stronger strains usually just leaves you high as opposed to mildly altered, more about that later…

My schedule at the moment is to dose every 4 days, and I take a capsule containing .3 of B+ Cubes, i take em generally in the mornings with my lisdex and pregablin, altho I occasionally intentionally leave out my lisdex to see how my adhd will present that day without medication and how the psilocybin effects it.

I’m trying it for a huge variety of reasons, and perhaps most importantly the potential effects on ‘treatment resistant major depressive disorder’ or when a variety of anti depressants fail to stop a full blown relapse into depression and in my case either using dangerous addictive drugs or suicide attempts. .
I’m also trying it for it’s potential to physically rewrite the brain of long term addicts/alcoholics, specifically long term opiates addicts, much in the way it physically opens up new pathways related to depression…for context I’ve been doing a methadone detox for a year and I’m down to 10mg, meaning I have one drop to go then I’m clean. I also came off the two anti depressants i was on in order to basically experiment on myself with magic mushrooms, and I’ve taken doses of lsd and dmt too, for science. I think that the real test will be when the methdone is out of my system and I start fresh as the last drop off is gonna be a nasty. So after Xmas day and my 37 birthday, also known as New Years Eve, I’m gonna complete the detox and suffer for a week or so and get back on to the dosing schedule.

I’m referencing real peer reviewed studies that test show how psilocybin has been proven to do the things I’m referring to in test subjects with depression after just 1 proper high dose experience, with a psychotherapist on hand…
Netflix actually has a documentary about a
the first trial of its kind since 1965, conducted in London, following the entire thing, called Magic Medicine… Its a few years old now and things have expand exponentially since then all over the world and the results are striking.

I also like to do a ‘macro dose’ with a few grams every now and then, as a i have 2 strains (3 if you include the Liberty caps that grow naturally in Northern Europe which have just ended a bumper season ) I use one that are ready capped for micro-dosing, where as my stronger strain are about twice the strength by weight, Albino Golden Teachers - daft story - I tried at first and I microdose’d these my first time my, by taking half a gram and then just getting about my day….and altho I wasn’t having full on visuals, I was absolutely stoned, laughing and massively enjoying what was essentially a low level trip….so I save those shrooms along with libs and Tidalwave/penis envy type strains for proper experiences.

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Yeah, in short, I agree. Amphetamines have transformed my life, following my diagnosis, and I don’t feel like they’re harming me in anyway . My heart rate is actually slower and I’m far less agitated, I can just think clearly, instead of surfing on 10 thoughts and trying to express them all at once, then getting mad when people don’t understand what the fuck I’m talking about. I could go on…

thanks for the detailed reply Vac. Best of luck with the detox. :heart::heart::heart:

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Thanks bro, it’s sewn up man. I didn’t go this far to fuck it at the last hurdle. If you need more info as things continue then just let me know. I’m trying to document things as they happen, mistakes and all.

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respect. sounds like your bossin it.

yea ive been on trt for comin up to 2 years. hypogonadal diagnosis in early 2020. that’s pretty much 100% sorted my depression. mood is extremely balanced now in comparison to the roller-coaster it was prior to that. rarely have those flat af days any more, if ever.

adhd symptoms are still very prevalent. maybe even emphasised since my mood is more balanced now.

bout 10 years ago got briefly treated for adhd but the psyke was sh1t imo. a quick quastionaire n handed me some concerta. only used it for a week n stopped so I don’t know if I actually am adhd.

got a referral the other day to a good adult specialist which I’m weighing up whether to pursue. if positive it’ll basically mean ritalin / concerta.

Reading reddit seems like they come with their own set of plusses & minuses hence why I’m a little reluctant. might be worth trying, can always decide to cease it if it’s not for me. Still dunno tho lol

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The drugs did for you.

They don’t for everybody.

I’ve known dozens of ADHD people, adults and children. Some of them responded really well to medication and some of them didn’t.

I’ve seen medication turn messed up lives around, but I’ve also seen medication ruin lives for the sake of “minimising disruptive behaviour” in school.

Any diagnosis of ADHD should be followed up with an assessment of the person’s working and living environments and necessary/reasonable adjustments made to accommodate the person’s needs. If medication is then agreed upon as part of the package of care, great, as long as it is tailored to the needs of the individual, not the people around them.


It’s hard for me not to think about this and how a early diagnosis would have changed my life. I wasn’t disruptive in class so I just got the “why can’t you listen/why don’t you try harder” bs.

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I’d say go among and see how it goes, I was on Ritalin instant release so I could take less if needed as I found after my morning dose I’d get mad side fx like a coke come down or something, and taking my next doses could make my anxiety spike thru the roof, it was giving me a rapid heart beat, so they tried concerta but at the end of the day I’d feel absolutely wank, I asked for a med review and because my symptoms where pretty extreme and seemingly not going away I got put on Lisdex, and it was like night and day for me, eventually titrated up but I may need to go up slightly more Z, each dose higher seems ti make me less agitated, I can sleep on it and stuff. It’s mad haha

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@Vacanthouses respect mate been reading your posts :+1:

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I was just talking about this with my mam recently. Back then they knew had it when I was 5 or so but my ma didn’t want to medicate me as they really didn’t understand how serious it could end up being. I spent my entire school career being in top sets for most subjects but routinely being thrown out of classes just for asking questions about the subject, which was taken as me being a smart arse and a pain in the arse basically, which massively upset me and led me to act out properly which in turn got me suspended many times. I really stopped caring about school and left when I was 14, having had enough .

As far as medication goes, I think you need to consider whether you’re taking them to feel better and live a better life or to meet the expectation set by school, work or other people.

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So really, you needed a better learning environment and more understanding/better trained teachers?


Based on my grades studying as an adult, I am maybe a bit smarter than average yet my grades in school were abysmal due to ADHD (not diagnosed yet, but I strongly suspect it). I would definitely have needed a different kind of learning enviroment, one I’m not sure still exists but had it back then, I would have easily aced the classes. Thankfully I ended up in a good place due to perseverance and support from other people as an adult, but not all people are as lucky.

I’m still not sure if medicating myself to better fit in at school would have been the right choice. Maybe, but I’m sure it would have not solved all of my problems.

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Apologies if too probing / personal / pathologizing but was there any crossover with you between ADD and the autistic spectrum? Our coping mechanisms and experiences in public education can certainly overlap.

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Absolutely, nobody had any training, understanding or let’s face it empathy, whatsoever at my school. It was a pretty religious Catholic school with very few practicing Catholics except for a few of the Teachers. Unfortunately it didn’t stop a lot of their crazy beliefs seeping in, which included adhd, asd and others learning disabilities being treat with suspicion to just outright denial, despite kids having diagnoses for all manner of things,

most of them would end up in the bottom most set together despite having wildly differing needs. It was considered one of the worst schools in the country though at the time, (I started year 9 in 1998), when schools where being evaluated by………((Was it offstead ?!) yearly. Unfortunately I had two choices and my school had 2 or 3 raga muffin kids from my old area which sounds so stupid now, but I was from the West end of the city, and we’d had to move to the East…total postcode bollocks, my first day of school and I got into two fights, both of which i thought I’d have to win, if I wanted to maintain a small rep that meant I never got picked on. It didn’t mean people wouldn’t be inclined to start shit, and I found it hard/ impossible not to react in order to defend myself or just to show that these idiotic people may have underestimated me. I found my tribe pretty quickly though, and we where the weird kids who loved jungle and what had become drum n bass, hardcore, techno and punk rock, reggae. ska, trip hop and good indie of the time.

It really was an incredibly rough school though, you needed to find your mates, and I gravitated towards the clever awkward kids but clearly with ASD/ADHD or there adjacent traits and I suppose we understood one another and where at the age where our personalities where being defined. I’m he only support I got was from my friends, all of whom I’m still best mates with over today.


Yeah, so they think. I have a fair few sort of basic asd type indicators, I’m extremely dyspraxic, have dyslexia but outside of those there are other personality traits people have noticed at my clinic which is luckily one of the most highly regarded in the country

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I just saw a post on Reddit this morning that deserves a crosspost here and really spoke to me and my struggles to stay focused while creating.


Super good, so many people getting stuck in one portion of a loop and just spinning off thousands and thousands of them because of how we work in blocks.

I’ll try the pick-three-songs method :stuck_out_tongue: