ADHD and electronic music

I must admit you are right about that.


Far worse than malactors in our current medical establishment is the uncritical and absolutist rejection of both what we have today and what we could have with the best science possible.

It opens the door wide for all manner of quack, charlatan, and systemic abuse of people who think differently.

Which was already a historic problem within the medical system!

If there’s truly better alternatives they can be proven beyond anecdotes and if they’re universally aapplicable, why have so many of us failed at where you succeed?

We’ve had others implying we’re weird, lazy, stupid, not normal, should just try more, need to take one vitamin, need to get rid of gluten, shouldn’t have had life-saving childhood vaccines…

So yeah people are going to push back against the reflexive folk wisdom over wanting better objective options, or at very least not having a person reject options for us because an outside individual who doesn’t know our lives considers us “overmedicated”.


Prove this epidemic to me. It’s not provable imo.

It seems you just don’t like it, because of the view that as thermionic sort of put it - sounds like you are telling people who face almost minute by minute struggles to ‘do things’ to just ‘do things’. You don’t seem to see the irony in that, but to be fair unless you are living that experience/reality it’s probably hard to see.

It’s edging towards denial of the condition, even if not intended


Yeah, taking it in complete good faith here and focusing on the divide between how good it must feel for someone to have a success (without diminishing those successes) and how it feels to have someone tell you your failures are because you didn’t try what appear to be generally holistic changes to your life, or if you did, you didn’t try hard enough, or if you tried, maybe you don’t understand your own brain and needs as well as a stranger does.

And on top of that, the narrative that the imperfect humans who are best trained and tasked to understand brain chemistry are worthless and we should instead take advice from like, anyone on the internet? As in someone on the internet will be more of an authority?

Granted, I’m all for threads like this to commiserate and private groups for ADD/AHD, but the best understanding as a community of various aspects of our heterogenous existence should exist separate to but with an alliance with the best medical understanding that we can both drive.

I’m not going to throw the baby out with the bathwater, we just need better all around.


Really recommend anyone reads Scattered Minds by Gabor Mate, if you want to get a good understanding of the condition. And Professor Russell Barkley videos on YouTube.

Thermionic and Habit_Reform, you are both making some good points.
I do disagree to an extent with some of those but you have made me think about my stance and statements. The delivery was honest and friendly too. Thank you for that.


Not just aiming that at you @strutter, but if you haven’t, they are good resources.

I appreciate a portion of your arguments about societal structures being unhelpful. Absolutely.

At first I refused to think of my ADHD as a disability, but I now very much do. But like most disabled people - we are being disabled by our environment, not by our mental or physical challenge.


You have put it a bit better/maybe coming across a bit more friendly than me :stuck_out_tongue: I’m on the edge of burnout/meltdown this week. Extremely tired.

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I’m glad, and surprised. I haven’t been feeling negative towards your very being or anything… but I think you can probably tell I was frustrated lol


I understand and was able to sense that. :slight_smile:

There is some tweaking to do with my approach to these discussions with people I don’t know personally, not meaning you specifically but in general.

Just to be clear my intention was not to insult anyone here. Just to chime in as it were.


Thanks for this. I’m 49 and have only just begun to suspect I have ADHD. It would explain everything lol. Anyways. Electronic music is what I’m about and I’m loving my Digitakt and the new Syntakt I got yesterday! :smiley: Coping wise, I am just trying to be kinder to myself. Hard to do, but the more I practice… I hope your kid and you learn and grow together over this and your music.

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My G!

This guy knows his shit.

Not just about ADHD, but his work on attacements and development is spot on.


I think it might be time for me to read his stress one soon

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I find that mostly, life is boring. Mostly because I don’t have unlimited funds to pursue all that I would like to. That is mostly doing music 24/7. But I have to work in order to pay back my mortgage overlords and this makes me very unhappy to the point where I don’t even want to live anymore. I’m not suicidal and I’m not depressed clinically. I’m depressed because of the way life operates, where as everyone else that is =ally depressed don’t exhibit the symptoms outwardly and just have the “well that’s just the way life is” attitude and just would rather the system just walk all over them.

Oh yeah, this was about ADHD. I have it. I don’t take drugs for it. I stopped looking for “what is wrong with me?” a long time ago and just accept who I am and what I feel like. People are looking for labels all the time to validate to themselves what is wrong with them. To get an answer that is. Well, what good is a label I ask? It’s just a word. You’re still you. Now what?

I think the best thing anybody could do with ADHD is hard physical labor in the sun outside. This is the cure all for most disorders in modern times.


Do tell :slightly_smiling_face:

That guy is a genius. Just discovered him and reading all his books. His curriculum should be taught in all schools.

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I’m just a guy that gets sucked into any tactile hobby with ease. F*** me, I’d start making custom lures for fly fishing, have a subscription to Fly Fishing digest and go to fly fishing conferences. Not that fly fishing interests me that much, but I get sucked in easily.

A friend came over in 2016 with a Native Instruments MK1 Maschine. He hit a pad on the Maschine and a rooster sound came out of the speakers from the computer. I said you can assign any sound you want to that pad? And there’s 15 more pads? F*** me. Well that’s how it all started.

Archery, watch repair, Grandfather clock building. Remote control cars. Drones. All terrain Vehicles, specifically 80’s era Honda 3 and 4 wheelers. Wrenching in the garage. I’d have to take a drug just to slow me down if had unlimited funds. I’d have panic attacks trying to figure out “What am I going to do today?” Well, currently the “what am I going to do today?” = Go to work in order to pay my mortgage overlords. That’s my option and to me, that’s a fate as = or worse than death.


Please stop spreading really really false information about specific medication.

The way the mentioned medication works makes it impossible to work the way you describe it. Also in Finland.

It is a slow and long acting medication. Intake is as pro-drug which has to be enzymatically transformed into the active form in the body with a capacity limited enzymatic system. (ceiling) Hence the good smooth curve of acting and plasma levels. NO Kick (not even if someone would snort or inject it).

ADHD people usually get more focussed, are more calm, can perform boring but necessary tasks better/longer, are less funny and more serious during the the hours of effect. Anti-Party so to say.

Overloading the dopaminergic system (easier for normotypical persons) for „recreational“ FX would be possible with other substances.


I had similar traits when i was younger. Constantly starting new projects. I was on a high just thinking about the next project but once i learnt it i got bored quickly. Very highly strung. My sons have Aspergers and ive never been diagnosed but a colleague in the medical practice said i probably carry the Asberger gene. Obssessional to the point of burning out thinking about it. Ive slowed down now but the anxiety and panic attacks were standard for me every day. I never got medicated but i have a very high addiction to drugs and that scares me. Still have moments of madness and meltdown but the ideas still crop up :face_with_monocle:

There is not one gene. There are many genes involved and the combination (and interaction with the specific environment, epigenetics etc.) determine the subtype and if a threshold is exceeded :slight_smile:

A successful hunter/gatherer/nomad tribe needs all of them: the warrior, the worrier, the archer, the risk-taker, the fearful, the sentinel, the oppositional, the innovative, the tinkerer, the thinker, the person with the one genius idea in lifetime, and story tellers.

In a hostile permanently changing environment, really quick and strong emotional responses are more important than making the right decision but too slowly.

What they would not need: more than 3 levels of hierarchy, permanent hierarchy, not-thinking-for-oneself, long term projects.