ADHD and electronic music

Yeah, this is a big problem, and standardised curriculums are simply shit for neuro-divergent kids. It’s something I worry about a lot as a father.

We’re not totally isolated, especially nto the way things are going at the moment, but it’s a far cry from the states. Our doctors aren’t financially incentivised to write prescriptions, and our healthcare system would rather not have to spend what little money it has on drugs that aren’t absolutely necessary. There is real, hard science that shows the effectiveness of medication for people with ADHD. Having said that, it isn’t for everyone, and I’m not sure you can effectively gauge whether it’s right for children without their individual input, at an age where they are able to contribute to the decision. I’m sorry it didn’t work for you, and that you didn’t have a say in it.


I think you’re totally missing my position here.

I don’t think self-medication is in any way shape or form a good thing. I want everyone to get the proper help they need (therapy should be a universal right along with healthcare).

My only position is that, when it comes to ADHD, I believe, and others much smarter than me have supported, that medication should not be prescribed first. That has nothing at all to do with depression of which I have nothing to say.

I feel you on the pandemic hitting hard. My partner was diagnosed with bipolar a few months ago and put on lithium, then after nothing changed except developing tremors, was taken off it because now her psychiatrist doesn’t think it’s bipolar. She was sure quick to dish out that lithium though…

I have only done adderall casually, but took it daily for a while because that’s just what I used to do with drugs sometimes, and I felt it replaced my spirit with an emotionless void. I hated any music I made on it. That’s just how my brain reacted to it… It always helped me complete college assignments though.

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I’m genuinely glad to hear that! For me, I’ve spent much more time with music during lockdown, but I’ve also struggled a lot being productive with my actual job now that I’m working from home (where my studio is right upstairs…).

My goal for the future is to have a better balance between work and music/hobbies (kudos to everyone here who has been able to combine those things!), to be more “productive” (yes), but also to be healthier towards myself about my limitations.

I have 3 grown up sons. Two have been clinically diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome. I asked a Psychiatrist if its likely im the carrier of Aspergers genes and handed them down. They said it was very likely. And yes im very obssessive as they are so electronic music calls me as its kinda an obsessive hobby. :slight_smile:

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I’m certainly drawn to it, intensive creative endeavors are far more positive for my life than being online or videogames :slight_smile:

GAS is ever the problem to keep at bay.

And exactly this is your personal opinion, based on personal experience and the resulting bias. In general, as a statement, it is just wrong and harmful. Please see the meta-analysis I posted above.

When considerung the costs/risks and benefits of any medication one should not only consider possible side effects but also the costs of non-medication which in this case include: drug and/or alcohol addiction, school dropout, (fatal) accidents, STDs, involuntary pergnancies, instable families, major depression, anxienty disorder, criminal offenses etc.

See also hazard ratio and thelike.


I actually went for the ADHD diagnosis because my teenager was diagnosed and we strongly think my younger son has ADHD. It also seems to have a strong genetic component–just one more thing to feel guilty about as a parent…


Yup, I’m pretty sure my doctor won’t recommend me snorting it in the back of a car outside a club (many, many years ago, in my case)…


There are a lot of problems at work here (no pun intended) but confirming my idea of productivity to a job that is not creative in execution… that’s difficult without some sort of medication or self-medication. One could argue that this shouldn’t be necessary to make a living, but we would need something beyond busywork maximizing income to maintain a presence in society.

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See my note about professionals. I am not condemning medication. only that for ADHD it not be the first step.

Sorry. I missed the key word first in my post. That probably led to a lot of misunderstanding.

Warning: ADHD typing


:smiley: :wink: Yep, you could say that.


Lol. I am reeaaaalllyyy sorry.


I’ve worked in a lot of Special schools and Mental Hospitals as an specialized RMN in acute psychiatry mostly Schizophrenia and bi polar… And your spot on with this statement. It was always the quickest and easiest option to reach for the meds first as there wasn’t enough time to sit with the patient and do counselling for one hour. I would have preferred this alternative.

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Gotcha! Much more nuanced, no arguments there.

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HA! love it, this thread. Diagnosed and self-identified ADHD here!

I haven’t read the whole thread (“my concentraaaaation problem!”;)) but will go through it a bit more slowly soon.

Curious how other people with ADHD (or if you feel you relate to similar concentration issues) feel their connection to electronic music. For me it’s super clear why I like it:

I love monomanic things that make me forget all external stimuli that usually distract me all day every day. This is why I also really like the Elektron workflow where I can loose myself in the details of tweaking PLOCK by PLOCK. I think a lot of people with ADHD tend to have this with some things. Its called hyperfocus.

I in general like music that overrules everything. So opposite of what you might think, as someone having ADHD I don’t like music that calms me, but véry present music that cancels all stimuli from the world out (from thoughts to the ticking of a clock lol). Curious how other people recognize this or not. Thats why I also love loud hypnotic techno - somewhere in a basement with just lóud techno I can just experience that óne thing, instead of 20 distractions a minute.

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Try this:


Ugh. I relate to this so much. Too much And it is absolutely exhausting. And I apologize for further distracting you by quoting this.


All so recognizable. I’m there with you. :heart:

Except the self-medication, currently still working on moving past that, but I’ve basically drank everyday of my life for the past 16 years cause it calms things down a bit. Slowly starting to facing that currently though. But I’ll definitely need to find some sense of alternative internal calmness to drop that dependence.