ADHD and electronic music

Really sorry to hear about your struggles. I as well have had an especially bad time during COVID–many of the habits and strategies I’d used during normal times just haven’t worked well for me lately.

It’s really good that you’re seeing a therapist. Hopefully he/she can recommend an educational therapist who does assessments for ADHD and/or OCD. There is also some great literature out there on the subject, but I recognize that those of us with ADHD may have trouble being motivated to read it. I recommended a book upthread (ADHD 2.0) which I read half of today and found really helpful/reassuring. Some of the talk about it being a “superpower” can be a bit overblown, but it’s important to recognize that there are positive aspects to our brains as well.

In terms of addressing the “root stressors,” keep in mind that the way you respond to stress could be very strongly influenced by your neurology. In other words, while yes, potentially removing a source of current stress could help, it could help just as much to learn strategies that will prevent the stress from manifesting in the first place. My partner suspects she has ADHD as well (she encouraged me to get tested) and has been very successful with coping with stress through coaching and modifying behaviors.

Good luck! This thread has been really helpful for me in seeing that I’m not alone, and I hope it is for you too.


Another good resource is ADDitude magazine. They frequently host free webinars and many of them get posted later on their podcast.


i’ve never been able to quiet my mind enough to feel like meditation “worked,” though maybe it takes more repetition and practice, regardless. cycling or running are my moving meditations, but biking especially. it’s very nice to let the mind go blank for 100 miles, just focusing on breathing and movement — being aware of surroundings and how your body adapts, etc.


Thank you! I should definitely give that book a read.

I venture to say that a very sizable percentage of the world’s population have some form of ADHD and don’t even know it. I personally regret waiting till my late 30s to get checked out. All those all nighters I spent writing all those stupid ass essays in college would have been so much easier. I do find myself latley becoming more of a semi unconscious practioner of epicureanism.


I’m sorry for the length of this post but I can’t really explain how ADHD was affecting my life, before getting the diagnosis. I’ve actually been being diagnosed twice, as I’ve changed services. So in my case it’s pretty conclusive. …but this is my story.

So I got my first proper diagnosis for ADHD as an adult in rehab for the 4th time, after successfully kicking a 20 year long heroin and crack habit. I was an IV user for most of it and I’m lucky to be alive and relatively ok. I was a poIy user, so I was addicted to shooting uo snowballs which are crack/powdered coke and heroin in one hit and benzodiazepines, Valium/rivitrol/Xanax etc so I was ODing all the time, too many to count but one time twice in 2 weeks I remember it because it was winter and I’d wake up on bed in a resus room and they’d have had to cut off my T-shirt to defibrillate me and re start my heart due to the crack, and they’d have given naaloxone which would bring the me out of the opiate overdose but would put me into instant withdrawals when I woke up, and also no t shirt or jacket, so I had to steal a jacket I found laying about the hospital, and walked 3 miles in order to spend my last tenner on a bag ot gear to get well, instead of using it for a bus or taxi.

Two weeks later (the day I got my benefit payment which is clearly the pattern), I was found laying prone on my building front porch…same shit again, they cut off my clothes, and just decided to fucking walk it bare chested, still covered in stickers for the heart monitor from whitehawk to hove where I was living, which is a mission especially when you’re sick as fuck, in the end I met someone In the street to buy a bag off and had a hit in the toilets of a church… It wasn’t cheap either son I was doing petty crimes and eventual got arrested and given a dlr to complete treatment. I had to get clean anyway to see the local psychiatric team, I was assessed and diagnosis with several mental health disorders ( General anxiety disorder and severe depression, more recently I was diagnosed with severe PTSD and have completed my first 3 months of therapy, but I’ll most likely be having them regular for some of one yet)

While I lived in Brighton for years, many of them clean, in 2018 i relapsed hard and had a drug induced psychotic episode, which got me sectioned and ultimately back In Newcastle, my home town. I got moved to the local ADHD service up here, which took some doing as they have a huge waiting list. I found out that they are considered one of the best NHS clinic for ADHD and Autism in the country. They manage my medication, I have to submit to drug testing because the local drug and alcohol service actually work together! I found out that something like 80% of people which adult ADHD are more likely to end up as drug addicts, and engaging in criminal activity, or sexually Promiscuous or all three, and many low level criminals or kids getting into drugs could be prevented by early diagnosis. It can be an awful condition, but it does have some benefits. I can talk for England and have the gift of the gab, I can hyper focus on anything that I find interesting I managed to do a degree in music tech with a heroin and crystal meth habit. I even got good grades, they also diagnosed my with dyslexia an dyspraxia, both of which are linked to ADHD.

They took my off Ritalin as I hated it, the side effects where making me more anxious than before. I was given Elvanese (lis- dexamphetamine) and I’ve gotta say it’s changed my life, from basic day to day stuff like washing some dishes or paying a bill, to the stupid impulsive behaviour and drug seeking/craving. It literally keeps me clean, or at least gives me clarity and an easy way to say ‘no, this will pass’ : I can see a task that needs doing, agree that I should just do it, and it’s done…

That might sound simple to some people, but I was unable to function as an adult before. My life was an absolute fuxking mess either high or sober and I had and still have much work to do. Making music is and always has been my main way of catharsis, and emotional release. I’ve always been creative, in many ways, but music is something I took to as a toddler almost and everything I learned was be ear until I got proper music lessons. Just listening to an album js enough to transport me, as I’m not focusing on anything but the sounds and I can pick apart it’s construction, production, the themes and ideas in the lyrics… I have a ton of interests now that I can channel my energy, but music and particularly sound design and electronic music is what captures me.

Having ADHD didn’t make me self destruct, there are many factors, and it would of still been there and needing treatment…I left school when I was 14, I was physically and mentally abused by my drunk father and scared to be there most the people time, so I ran away and got jnto taking drugs for fun and to escape. At first it was relatively innocent but I took absolutely everything, mdma, speed, psychedelics to the extreme… but when I was 16 and I smoked crack and heroin for the first time, that was it, I guilting someone much older (a junkie who I still know and have a friendship with today both being clean) into showing me how to shoot up and that was that, and I just couldn’t stop. I had sepsis twice, and have no surface veins left, I was hitting up in my groin and neck even, I was physical fucked, 6’1 and 8 stone… it to mention all the friends and just associates that died among the way, two of them best friends of mine and so many more I stopped counting.

Sorry about the length of time his post btw, it’s a tough one to explain with out the context surrounding it. Adult ADHD is serious, you’re talking about people engaging in often risky behaviours, and many people end up in jail or dead cos they did some stupid and impulsive. It has its positives too, and knowing you do for sure have it, and getting the right treatment is super important.


Glad to hear (or read) that you’re on the up and up.


Thank you for sharing that. Wow, that is some journey. I’m not gonna try to say anything trite since I can’t personally imagine going through all of that, but I do relate to a lot of the basic feelings you describe. In a way, you brought this thread back to the beginning, since your personal story is also about how electronic music is part of your life and your ADHD. Really glad to hear you’re in a better place these days.

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Thanks for sharing mate - you’ve had a hell of a fucking ride! Great to hear you’re taking control of your life and able to enjoy it, and honestly just well fucking done - you’ve accomplished a massive feat, getting clean and breaking that cycle. Keep it up man.


It’s funny because it is being taken more seriously than it used to … we’re serious about finding out as many reasons to not take it seriously than ever before.

Weed has on the whole benefited me, I’d say. As has microdosing mushrooms.


I think it just depends for some people on how it’s being used. Being stoned every evening to shut off my brain when I needed to be present for my partner and kid was definitely not working well for me. A couple of hits before bed to help ease me into sleep seems to be ok. Like any psychoactive substance, YMMV…


I don’t mean to derail the thread but even as a long time cannabis advocate, I can no longer in good conscious stand behind the concentrates and very high % thc strains. People who indulge too much seem to me to display addict behavior and worrisome mental health problems. Smoking gram a day of 100% THC can’t be good for anyone.


Agreed. I stay the fuck away from concentrates after a couple of bad experiences. And this is to say nothing about the synthetic and black market shit kids are vaping. I caught my teenager doing the latter and went through the roof. I’d rather buy him safe, natural buds (it’s legal where I live) than let him anywhere near that stuff.

On the positive side, an eighth of quality flower lasts me a hell of a long time of moderate consumption–a benefit of having been raised on 80s and 90s ditchweed where the goal wasn’t to lose all bodily sensation…

I do not personally have ADHD, but someone close to me does and I know them very, very well. There’s a woman on Twitter who does ADHD comics and they really hit the nail on the head for a lot of things she deals with day to day. Some folks may find her content resonates with them, so I thought it might be worth posting.

ADHD awareness ribbon


cackles in state where it’s decriminalized

Obviously, ANY mind-altering substance should be factored in with known family history of Schizophrenia, as much as it’s possible to avoid poor interactions. And not everyone will feel good under its effects!

But currently the greatest harms surrounding marijuana are societal, by far. Greater scale legal use has not confirmed any prior scares, or introduced any additional.

I don’t believe it has greater health benefits than (non-physically addicting) pain management, of course.

Interesting Toppic.
I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD when i was 14; been on Ritalin, Concerta and 2 others. Fucked me up; got depressed and when I got out of that depression by myself (because after trying a few therapy approaches I just said Fck it; i’ll give it a shot myself) I sworn off meds.

Started with Music during covid and it’s one of the things that can just empty my brain and put me in a zone. I smoke weed & meditate occasionaly but I don’t need it to function. I’m doing very well actually.

But Music is what I hoped it would be in terms of a meditative hobby for sure.


It does wonders for my arthritis where nothing else has really worked that well. Fucks off all my motivation though, so, unfortunately, it’s a world of pain for me until my kids get jobs.


As long as it is electronic music only and not also:

theory of sound and music theory, esp. polyrhythm, microtonality, all drum machines, all synthesizers, all hardware sequencers, mathematics, control systems, cosmology, game theory, economics, biology, genetics, coding, graphics, photography (real wet analog with darkroom and everything up to 4x5…), science fiction, ethology, drawing, painting, video art, glitch art, pixel art, short movies, theatre, vintage computers (Toshiba gas plasma displays, Atari, Amiga, C64), vintage office software, history, typology, book art, different sports, archery, muscle cars, drag racing, film history, architecture, writing drama, etc.

there should be no problem with it :slight_smile: