Adjusting DT tempo in decimals

Hi there,
I have a pattern stuck on a decimal tempo value (i.e. 105.8 for example).
I press TEMPO, adjust with LEVEL and it’s still going to 106.8, 107.8 etc…
I can’t figure out a way to get back to .0 value… I don’t remember setting the tempo using an external device, but anyway nothing is connected now. Any advice?


( try : up and down arrows could do it …)

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Up and down arrows

:arrow_up_small: :arrow_down_small: will adjust in 0.1’s, Encoder in 1.0’s


Thanks guys! I should have (carefully) RTFM :man_facepalming:


This is definitely one of the UI inconsistencies with the DT. My initial instinct is Func + Tempo, not the up/down arrows.


Almost same, I always forgot how to do it so I try Func+Sound knob, Func+encoder E, etc. until I remember the arrows… :sweat_smile:

I had this problem when I was using the arp function on my keystep and had it set to master clock sending to the DT. And I’d fix the tempo with the arrow keys, but then after using arps again, it would mess up the tempo again. It wasn’t until I figured out my clock issues that I stopped the problem, and stopped blaming my DT. :grin: