Advice for a bluetooth to Hifi gear

Hello fellows,

I would like to have your experience return about a gear that would permit to send my Ipad sound/music to the mix table (and speakers) that sits at the other side of the bedroom.

There’s a lot of little bluetooth recepters that could be connected to a mix table.
From super cheap to expensive one, i’m lost and lazy. I would appreciate an Elektronauts return that would simplify my quest :sleeping:
Thanks for your advices

I have a music cast pre amp from yamah, it can accept usb stick + bluetooth + wifi streming service - works with spotify but not soundcloud dirctly, but one could bluetooth soundcloud to it via regular mobile.

I use it to reference tracks, or just to listen to music, when i dont create it myself. Works also with flac files stored on the USB quiete well. It has taken 128 Gbyte sticks, but i think it works also with a connected usb hd or larger stick. From factor is relativly small, and it has a stand to place it vertical.

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Fun Generation BT

on the cheap side i can recommend this.

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Thanks for your help. You reach the expensive part of my delemna.
I think this proposal is a bit oversized for my need. Lot of capacities i don’t need in it.
I understand that it could be very efficient.

Thanks for your input.
This simple object is the basics one that seems to be functional and simple. Can be an introducing solution to evaluate the principe.

This one seems easy to be use. Must have two of them to have stereo :

Does anybody use it ?

I use an AVES Mercury on my old hifi amplifier to Bluetooth to it from my phone and iPad. It’s been connected for about 5 years now and works really well (see this review in musicradar: However it is pretty old so you might be able to get a newer fancier receiver now.

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I got one of these and it’s totally fine, and cheap!

Bluetooth Audio Adapter for Music Streaming Sound System, Esinkin Wireless Audio Adapter Works with Smart Phones and Tablets, Wireless Adapter for Speakers

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@spikysimon and @dontlament, thanks for sharing experience.
With those few incomes it seems that little low cost are efficient enough for my need. That’s good news for my wallet.
Those Elektronauts people are so cool :facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses:

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