Aerophone / Aerophone Pro, wind controller from Roland

Sax is one of the hardest instruments to get right I hear. For sampling, these guys are starting to make some pretty major breakthroughs using “look ahead” technology that runs a variety of scripts to achieve higher levels of realism. I really dig their work.

I can tell from experience that this is true. I tried hard with software for some time, but after learning playing sax myself, I began to understand why.

There are some things, which a sampler never can cover right:

  • keys & mod-wheel vs breath and embouchure
  • sound pitch, character, and dynamics created by silent vocalising in our throat
  • last but not least … the setup of mouthpiece and reeds, which is a science in itself :wink:

From my experience I can tell that good sax samplers are tools for standard voices and background (like in big-band sessions), but if the expressiveness of a real player is asked for, it’s at least for me much easier to grab the sax and play the part

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V3 firmware is out now for the Aerophone Pro:

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