Then there is AD envelopes as well. I like the ease in tweaking envelopes on new Elektrons like Digitone and Rytm. It’s fun!

The digital voices are similar to the analog voices having a “synthesis” decay and an extra amp envelope afterwards. Main difference is that if you set “note = hold” on the AHD, the digital machines will sustain the note. ADSR will sustain the note always. We found it pretty useful for sound design to have the extra amp env and the ADSR option.
How the sustain part works is different for each digital machine, weirdest one being the clap that kinda turns into a rattle machine. The clap rattle divisions are also tempo sync’ed, so it can be used for fast retrig hihats (or weird sounds) :slight_smile:
Some of the newer machines have the option to have inf decay that completely avoids the syn decay part.
Thought I would just add my 2 cents, I totally understand that it is not obvious at all. Cheers!