AI generated art

Maybe pride is the wrong word, but you can certainly derive satisfaction from it. Somewhere between the role of artist and audience.

Besides pride is a bedfellow of ego - as artists such things distract us.


i think my post might be a bit OT, but your comment flicked a spark in me.

The music i make now doesn´t really mean anything to me. i´ve felt this for many years, i dont really care for my music, i just make it and enjoy making it and at times i enjoy listening to it as well. I cared deeply for the music i did in my 20´s, it was shit, but it was my shit and that meant something to me.
I have written it off as me getting older, getting kids etc. my true passion and fire residing in my family now for instance. but maybe, just maybe using tools like MI Marbles or the master transpose of the OP-Z etc, tools which makes it super convenient and fast to generate songs, makes my passion and flame quench.

Does it make me unattached to the things im creating because deep down i feel like they´re not my creations? a question to ponder for sure


Are you in the Music Theory thread? This could bring a new angle to that debate :laughing:

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i have not, just checked it and you kind of hit the nail on the head with this comment.


…are those and any other tools a necessity or rather something to make things easier so that one can produce more rapidly and share with others? what’s the real necessity (if any) behind this?

speaking from my own perspective… its laziness.
i really don´t have a problem with sitting down and learning new things (and i´m decent at music theory), its just that when i sit down with my synths its usually night time, im pretty tired from work, chores, family etc. and just want to blow off some steam. the sad thing is that i long for going more into detail with my creations and i have the means to do it, but the energy/fire is´nt there… i take shortcut´s instead and the results are that i feel unattached to what i make…

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Mine are a bit dark lol


I’ve been doing lately “material” experiments with AI. Here are some of my recent results (made with MidJourney) that I’ve found interesting:

I think many people are very focused on how AI generated art looks or sounds, but I think the most interesting question is how this will change EVERYTHING in the world. These narrow AI systems are like associative mirrors that reflect back things that we might associate with the original subject. So in essence, these AI tools are like I Ching. They reflect back something and we humans finish the creation of meaning. But I’m sure that eventually we will see an AI that can actually create and evaluate meanings on its own. And it’s very hard to even imagine what that could mean culturally.

My short time working with AI and GAN systems has given me a good punch in the guts, because now I finally understand why AI is such a hot topic. The impact of AI will go so much beyond art and culture that I’ve been literally losing my sleep. I feel like I’m watching the humankind invent electricity or internet in a fast-paced timelapse movie. We are living a very very interesting time in human history!


I forget the name of the sight where you go and everytime you hit refresh the AI generates an image of a totally “made up” human, and everytime you refresh it learns more, and its at a point where the images are very convincing.

However the site for horses is far less advanced and it generates random “art” of mutant horses. Well its imperfections are art to me at least.


I thought that this was kind of deep - I was hoping it tried to interpret itself

Mirror with a reflection


My brother showed it to me a week ago and I had a blast with it.
Some LOTR characters as Space Marines

Chaplain Gandalf




Some disturbing ones

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Great post (and lovely works) - I also think this is going to be quite a big conversation and paradigm shift, especially when we move towards interactive works or complete stories.

I studied Avionics in a past life and the moment I found out that the fuel systems on a jumbo jet had been designed and routed by an AI, not just because it was cheaper or faster, but because it would have been an almost impossibly complicated task for a human to perform, let me know just how important these systems will be when we look to move beyond our own abilities.


They should have got slime mold to design it :slight_smile:

I find it interesting that each different AI sort of has a style baked into it even when copying the style of different artists. I’ve played around with a few different ones but yeah I more or less get bored of each AI pretty quick.

anyways here is Andre Agassi eating a subways sandwich


haha love it

tbh Dalle Mini is kind of my favourite right now because it has such character. Real art.

I love how bad it is at making hands and the way it approaches eyes is downright unnerving.

Although if you’re specific enough you can see that it does get eyes, it’s just choosing to mess with us.

Hairy eye

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Let’s flip that on its head

Warhammer 40k in Lord of the Rings

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John Travolta in Sesame Street

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Mech warrior robot eye surgery


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This is poignant - scholars could write about this for years

Sad man at birthday party

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Which app is this one?
