AI generated art

Real nice results, not gonna lie! So apparently the underworld likes to focus on spherical shapes :skull:

And nice prompt too – more?

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Death Metal album cover designers are the first in line to be out of a job :slight_smile:

thanks :slight_smile:
the prompt was taken from the “Prompt Craft” channel in Discord, I just added some parameters myself:

encyclopedia illustrations::6 page, parchement, papyrus::3 Cthulhu:10 diagrams showing anatomy, muscles::4 insanely detailed , informative texts, graphs, notes, scribbles::5 sketch by leonardo davinci and escher::7 necronomicon::8 blur::-1 --q 2 --stylize 2600 --ar 9:16


Freddy Mecury eating a wedding cake on his own



Funny you should say so. :wink:

“I find it hard to sleep at night”



I like the one where the earth is at the bottom of a quarry, being mined into oblivion.

allright, this DALLE2 stuff is really sick


Its funny that the stuff everyone said AI could never do, like art, is like the first stuff it is going to be really good at. Its also going to be telling jokes and writing poetry soon too. As AI advances it is really going to change the way we think about being human. It already has for me.


I am looking forward to this dystopian nightmare as well.

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“I sat in a waiting room and it was called Europe.
The train left eight days later. I knew that. But where he was going and what was to become
of me, no one knew.
And now we’re back in the waiting room, and it’s Europe again!
And again we don’t know what will happen.
We live provisionally, inflation never ends! “

Erich Kästner, Going to the dogs, 1931


Ok I haven’t read through this whole thread but… am I like the only person on Earth who thinks all this AI art is kind of shit? I mean really all of it. It looks like art but in that kind of ComicCon way where it’s about, like, I don’t know, the artifact as opposed to exploring some kind of concept or engaging with a medium I guess. It’s all really superficial and bland. It’s a neat concept but it’s all the visual equivalent of artificially flavored beverages.

It’s not that I want to dislike them. I think it’s kind of a neat concept. It just really doesn’t fucking work for me at all. I guess it’s just me. Anyway, that’s my hot take. Enjoy your robutt paintings. See ya! :wave:

Its art in the same way furry anime characters on Deviantart is art…

I think it can be art, but the art lies in how it interprets the prompt. But most prompts are basically “Cyberpunk Totoro waiting for a taxi in the rain with an umbrella”. Shit in shit out so to say…



I do wonder at what point (and I’m sure I’m not the first person to ask) the energy spent learning prompts for algorithms exceeds that of learning more hands-on/immediate media to achieve similar (but more intimate, personal, unique, sensual, and meaningful) results.

As someone who works with a profession where I at times have to draw to express my intent and still kind of suck at drawing… probably a very long time…

Heck, I’ve even worked with industrial designers who truly suck at drawing… so in retrospect, being able to use a brush or pen is really secondary, understanding shapes and forms is however key…. Again, imo!


No, there are lots of varying opinions on AI art on the web.

As an artist, having to learn actual art skills takes much longer. You can pick up AI prompts in minutes. The flipside is that you have no fine control over the AI art, you are just working in large generalizations. There’s no telling it to make a certain object 20% smaller and then move it a little to the left. It is really just a collaboration where you throw out ideas and styles and see what the AI comes up with.

For me it has been a great form of entertainment. I have a few drinks and start coming up with funny or crazy ideas and see what comes out of it. I think it’s a blast to play with.

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I think A comparison between AI art and Generative music is extremly apt.

You can learn modules like Marbles and be very proficient at using them but there’s still that element of “Jesus taking the wheel”.

the same thing goes for AI art imo.


But I think there are hidden intents that come through when using your muscles and mind that would never be expressed through whatever the allotted amount of (probably English-only) words in an image prompt. Basically you probably have more to say than you realize. The machines are just mashing together a corpus of stuff without any real context or narrative, and guessing at how to stitch it together. Like an undergrad with a hangover, winging the midterm for a class they attended half of.

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Shhhhhh…they’re listening.