AI generated art

Yeah. They’re pretty sweet. Let me see if i can upres them and add some painterly textures to them.

Did you see these i posted a while back:

Yeah, that last one with the water walker in white is something I would use for album art.

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Yep. It does have a quality to it.

Here’s a link to the Up-ressed images for you and @RobertSyrett

I may tweak these a bit more in the coming weeks and if so I’ll post them here.

I included the colorful synth paintings and the man in blue illustration in this zip.

They’re at 4k resolution now so should print nicely. I used Pixelmator Photo to enhance the resolution as I’ve had good results with it in the past if you’re curious about the process.

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So I wanted to show a quick example of how I plan on using Midjourney work to build on top of. I look at their results the same way I look at Synth Patches. They are great starters to build, shape and manipulate and make your own.

Here’s the nice image MidJourney so generously provided after my mad hatter like text inputs:

After spending 45 minutes in Photoshop, I applied the type of effects, layering and manipulation I like to apply to my visuals, and I ended up here:

Anyhoo, I thought it might be fun to show how we can take what we’re given and build on top of it, much in the same way we build off of patches in our synths.

Taking it further:

Have a great day everyone :slight_smile:



Quick (possibly dumb( question - in Midjourney, how do you find your art after you’re made the ‘imagine’ prompt? I find my submissions get swallowed up by loads of other people and I can’t find them!

Head to the dashboard at

Dude, what a legend! I had no idea I could even sign in on the website, I’ve been 100% on the Discord.

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You gotta chase it down in the feed :slight_smile: Super annoying, but also fun and satisfying when you find it. I think also, if you select the Envelope icon on the Bot that’s rendering your image, it will send you a notification in Discord you can tap on to take you right to the results.

I ended up subscribing for the month to test it out…it gives you access to private messaging with the Bot so your work is all nicely collected in one spot…

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Thank you so much! :smiley::pray:very kind of you!
I owe you one :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Sure thing. Enjoy :wink:

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More album artwork ideas based on the trippy heads I did before



New Octatrack with holographic interface


edit: this one is a big and detailed so click to zoom in


I’ve been playing with this stuff a lot