AI generated art

Disagree. I think the AI art is very cool.

To claim it as you’re own, however, is not.
unless you wrote the code, then, well done

I would never claim it as my own. I would say look at what I got it to do tho.

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Interesting! That in itself is quite a big line to draw.

Yep, that’s the creative part.

I’ve always found coding to be an art form. It’s amazing.

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i like the analogy that it’s a tool more than outright fakery.

Think of a basic prompt that results in similar imagery you’ve seen before, it’s like someone picking up a synth, playing and jamming the presets. you’ve heard it before but they’re having fun.
Then the other extreme is learning all aspects of the synth to do something new with it = 1000s of renders (and maybe £$€ etc), prompt explorations and time to result in repeatable processes and output the creator likes and feels represents their vision.

whether you like or not is upto you.
best place to truly judge is a context that allows you to take it on naive face value, rather than labelled as “artificial” and bringing the stigma.

ie not this thread


Which is why I don’t take credit for anything I make, that all goes to the guy that made Photoshop.

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I never said you did tho. I was commenting on the guy that submitted to the art competition. That is what I was debating. Nothing you had done. :neutral_face:

How can you mix the two so badly.

Photoshop does not generate the image, you need to use a Wacom and pen to move pixels around BY HAND to generate the image.

  • wacom: paper
  • pen: brush pen charcoal…
  • pixels: paint

How can you confuse ordering some to do something for vs doing it yourself?

I was making a point :slight_smile: That your logic is inconsistant

So then what sites can we use to experiment? Are any versions of Dally free? The crayons one is a bit basic

It isn’t. You’re confusing orders with actions.

Give a prompt to photoshop. All you get is an image with text. You can do the same thing in photoshop you can with paint and canvas minus the undos.

The free options tend to be a bit more basic bit Stable Difussion is probably the best at the moment. You have to work it a bit harder - the results range from ‘impressive’ to ‘ghastly’

I’m not. You’re just lacking a lot of nuance in your position.

Have you ever used photoshop? i.e. if I choose to ask it to provide a content-aware fill, does the work I was creating cease to be mine because I’ve utilised code to help me execute something?

No you don’t. There are many ways to use photoshop, using actions, algorithms, all kinds of coded based aids. If you add a gradient to a layer are you a phoney because you didn’t draw it by hand with the spray tool?

It’s all baloney mate. Every detractors argument boils down to ‘its lazy’, which isn’t a reason for something to not be art, it’s just a half-assed critique.

I’ve used photoshop since it came out.

Part of job requires in depth knowledge of photoshop.

Swing and a miss.

I think we’re playing diferent ball games friend.

You’re not doing anything.

You are borrowing a machines talent.

Demons on Earth.

Thanks, and how much would say Dali cost or what are the best ones that dont break the bank

Well make up your mind which is it?

Cannot generate a response…Unclear. Need better prompt.

Midjourney is definitely where I’ve gotten the most value and fun! The format is interesting too as you get too see others creations in real time and even jump in and work with each other on prompts


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