AI generated art

Another study in using MJ to build up texture, mood and serendipity before ultimately compositing elements back together in Photoshop:

This is how I approach sampling in my music production…see where the mood leads me :slight_smile:


midjourney v5 is just frighteningly good…

btw: another great read:


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I hear you. And we are still at the very early stage of all this and the legal battles that will happen will decide a lot. I know Adobe is releasing a Text to Image generator that is trained off the Adobe Stock library and it can track when data from images is used in an AI image and those who contributed that photograph will get commission just like they would from their stock photo. So, people are paying attention and steps to make things ethical will be taken.

As a freelancer, I am enjoying having the beginnings of an intelligent assistant and do look forward to advancements in this arena, It doesn’t need to be as sentient as the movie Her, but I would like an assistant like her. Google Bard will be able to read your emails and write drafts for you by the time you wake up in the morning. And to have Photoshop read those tasks and create documents to the size I need will be cool. Stuff like that. And the stuff I can’t even imagine. All coming soon. Yes, the AI came for art first, and loud. but it is going to trickle to all areas of life and I feel in the long run, when things can adjust, create positive change for people all over. Let’s not forget, the AI is NOT a sentient being (yet) rather an extension of us here to serve us. We are all part of the big bang, still expanding. And humans have been dreaming this up for 100 years. No shocker its finally here.

(ChatGPT’s summary on this thread for those who “ain’t got time for that!”)

The forum post is a lengthy discussion about AI-generated art and its potential impact on the art world. Here are some key points that were discussed:

  • AI-generated art is becoming increasingly common and sophisticated, with some programs able to create images and music that are virtually indistinguishable from those created by humans.
  • Some artists are embracing AI as a tool for enhancing their creativity and exploring new aesthetic possibilities, while others are concerned that AI-generated art could devalue human creativity and undermine the authenticity of traditional art forms.
  • There was a discussion about the potential for AI-generated art to challenge our understanding of what it means to be creative and whether machines can truly be considered artists.
  • Some participants in the forum noted that AI-generated art could be seen as a kind of collaboration between humans and machines, with the AI providing a starting point or inspiration for human artists to work with.
  • There was also discussion about the role that AI-generated art could play in the future of advertising, entertainment, and other industries, as well as its potential impact on job markets and creative industries.
  • Finally, there was a debate about the ethical and legal implications of AI-generated art, including questions around ownership, copyright, and attribution.
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And then, they took MDMA and learned to love the machines and make good use of them

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