Hi All, a very straight forward question, i read the whole manual and figured out a lot,
i also know how the Arpeggio works and everything, being dealing with Arpeggios for
over 20 years but…i can’t figure out to know:
Can we actually make a custom Arpeggio, to input our own notes? Something in the
lines of turning a Pattern into an Arpeggio…i know the THRU Mode plays what you
Input in it but its not exactly what i mean and it does not behave the way some
Arpeggios do…such as Nora or BluArp…in the lines of that.
I’m not sure what you are comparing to, but it’s possible to specify up to four notes (per step) in the Notes page which can be arpeggiated (easiest if editing track in step mode) … everything else about the ARP is there to see
Holding Function and the Arp button will take you to what is effectively a step sequencer for the arp. Here, pressing a trig button toggles it’s gate on/off, holding a trig while adjusting encoder A allows you to pitch the note up or down from the key(s) held, and encoder E sets the length of the arp pattern.
I like to make an arp pattern in here that sounds decent, and then experiment with arpeggiating different chords with that arp pattern. I find it’s a quick way to generate interesting melodies.
Thanks Jay, that actually helped a lot…but now the question is…what now? After the Arp is done
the way you want…what you do with it? Can it be Saved? Accessed from another Track? Project?
Can it be then turned into a Pattern? Or it will be stored just per Track with the Pattern?