option1: Make sure you dont use overlapping midi-channels. (if you use 1 to 9 for your octatrack, use 10 to 15 for your ak (i think the ak wants 5 midichannels)
option2: (the one i use in my setup) make sure the octatrack doesnt send/need midi for itself… Dissable audio-CC in the setup of your octatrack. AND dissable its need for midichannels for the audio-tracks. If i didnt dissable audio-CC , my octrack made my monomachine do funny stuff… and if i didnt dissable the midichannels for the audiotracks on the octatrack, i couldnt get midi-learn to work…
Because of your upcomming gig, and you probably dont want to test stuff out.
you are likely to be quicker by choosing option 2. except, if you use a midicontroller for your octatrack… then you definatly need the octatrack to listen for midi.