AKAI Force

No, Live plus Launchpad is as close as I’ve come there. I decided long ago that I got along much better and achieve more with dedicated hardware - I do enjoy Live, but I just tend to use it on its own in more of a patchy M4L context - or as an arranger, so this aspect of the Force was particularly appealing.

I’ll report back on how I get on with the other aspects, for sure.

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?? Does anyone know if you can set scales per track for the note mode? I really want to be able to control my ARytm but that requires a two octave drop to get to the all notes on one channel. Kind of annoying to have to toggle back and forth as I move through hardware.

Absolutely loving the workflow, coming from an mpc one as my gateway. It really is crazy how well it controls external hardware. I’ve set up a project with some quick access settings for my peak, blofeld, mm2 and virus as a template.

The ability to program change per clip is a great way to get a lot of mileage with just a few synths too. Amazing, chonky piece of kit.

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what I want to know is has there been any kind of talk from the beta users or the developers at all regarding the subject of manipulating the warping of samples on a pad with the knobs on the device or otherwise… anything at all about setting warp markers and manipulating them… anything??? … no need to get specific or break any nda, just say if this is on the roadmap or that you’ve heard anything?

Saying if something is on the roadmap would be breaking the nda.

You can’t set scale per track, but the fastest way to drop 2 octaves would be to use the Oct+ and Oct- buttons. You still need to do that manually but it’s really fast.


Anyway to adjust the midi latency?

I’m sending midi clock to my Circuit Tracks and recording the Circuit’s sequences into audio tracks.

Unfortunately, I have to go and manually adjust the start times of the newly recorded clips to get them to line up with the samples I’m playing back internally from the Force

Also. In the clip editor for audio tracks. Can I set the grid so I can see 16th beats? All I’m seeing is 1/4 notes on the scale that runs across the top of the editor.

When I capture a syncopated beat, I have no reference point to line up my recorded audio.


not if you just say whether it’s being discussed… literally everybody including Akai employees have been talking about every other feature under the sun, including disc streaming etc…

I just want to know if it’ being considered or not

I find I get far better loops when I hit play, let the clip loop around once and then hit record before it loops around again, so that it drops into record right as it loops. Much better clock sync/tight loops.


Awesome - I’ll try that. Thanks!

Curious. Can you create a clip using the pads? I can’t figure out if that’s possible. Or do you always need to touch the matrix touchscreen. Thanks!

Just trying to find some type of flow

Also - is there a way to delete a row of notes. Say I build a clip of notes. Copy that clip. Now I want to take notes away (like say the kick drum lane).


Edit+pad then select length and press create new clip on the screen

Or (the way I do it)
Select+pad ( or just pad if you set ‘tapping a clip selects it’ from the shift+launch menu) then step sequencer. This takes you into step sequencer mode for the selected clip and off you go.

To select all events of a note: from grid view press the relevant note on the pads, shift + delete button on the screen


Thank you!!!

Second day, too hot and unpleasant to do very much. I went through a few of the demo projects to checkout clip launching, which seems fine except I’ve heard way too many unintelligible vocal hits. Had a bit more of a dig into Hype, which still sounds impressive.

The demo projects were reassuring in terms of CPU / storage use, at least. It looks like the early stages of a project fill up between 10-15% of both quite quickly, but after that the amount used by new tracks and clips drops.

I had my frst crash and recovery, which I suspect was Hype-related - happened when I was selecting a track, and took everything with it. Not a disaster as I was just fooling around, but the lesson to save often was delivered. A bit disturbing to have a system crash on day two, but maybe I’ve just been unlucky.

Disappointed that the envelope follower LFOs don’t have a sync option, which seems like an obvious feature (like the Polyend Tracker, you might expect them to only have a sync option). You can convert BPM to Hz and it generally works, just seems like an oversight.

Had an issue with the Filter Gate Air effect - it seems to drift in and out of sync, which I never encountered on the MPC One. Testing it, I put a basic synth sound on every other step of a two bar pattern - same note every time - and then applied the Filter Gate at 1/16. It’s on the beat for the first couple of loops, then goes slightly off, then comes back, and repeats. Seems to be consistent.

Macros are great, though - the pad matrix brings one of my favourite features of the Rytm over - though unexpectedly I think the generally unlikeable Rytm Mk1 pads are better suited to this role, because they’re less sensitive. Having 64 of them rather than 12 is decent compensation, though, and I’ve already got a list of stuff I want to try out there.

I want to get it hooked up to some other gear and test sampling next, but I really need the sun to go away first.


Q does the Force have the audio to midi feature like ableton live?

I just got air conditioning for the house. Best 5k I’ve spent in a really long time.



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I tried messing with Program change and the Integra yesterday. Seems that when I manually insert PC, MSB and LSB settings @ start of clip in “list view” (my method since day 1), they retrigger no matter what even if setting up a clip loop that starts bar 1, loops from Bar 2.

But… (and this is the cool thing with the force - multiple ways to skin a cat) if I go into clip settings, set up the PC, MSB and LSB there, I can manually change the patch in the Integra and it won’t jump back to the programmed patch, so that’s promising for being able to jam synth parameters without resetting. I will try with a Nord next and self confirm, but yeah, lesson being… need to reread manual multiple times.

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Currently trying to hone an efficient work-flow. Prepping lots of loops on the unit itself is a bit painful, because I don’t think it can be done as a batch.

Because of the warp glitches, I guess I’ll have to disable warp on all the loops too.

So - I’m thinking that my way forward, will be to prep loops in Ableton and export to the Force. There are more batch processing tricks in Ableton I think. I might also pre-EQ and compress my loops in Ableton, so save having to do it on the Force.

In which case - any tricks on importing ALS files? Limits on columns of clips is getting in the way for some of my Ableton projects. I’ll need to at least consolidate some of my columns into single columns on the Force. On Ableton, I tend to group sets of clips, so if there were a way to consolidate on groups, that might help.

Haven’t yet managed to get an Ableton .als to load on the Force. Throws an error and resets. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

uh oh