Akai MPC Keys 61

No. I assume you didn’t watch his video then? It’s more than just a single faulty unit.

Also, the idea that he’s obligated to check with Akai first before posting a critical video is odd. Only shills like Mcree check in with manufacturers before posting videos.

Ah, ok. I watched half of it, and as I said, I don’t get it :slight_smile:

I’m assuming that if you had 61+ one hits in your drum kit, they would be automatically mapped across the 61 keys?
Me like-y.

I review gear for magazines. I always have the manufacturer check the review before I post it. In case I might be wrong about some technical or factual detail. Sometimes, I’ve been wrong. As a result, I’ve corrected my mistake accordingly and thus not posted reviews that contains mistakes due to my misunderstanding of the kit.

Maybe I’m the odd one here. But it works for me and it’s been generally appreciated by the manufacturers. Opinion is one thing. Being factually wrong is another.

Not saying Benn is one or the other, though. I need to watch this video again.


Benn Jordan was hoping one MPC Keys 61 would replace his entire stage rig for live shows. It did not work out.

As mentioned earlier, I tried one out, as well as my friend and his friend. One consensus opinion - among us three - was that for live playing, you should have another keyboard as your primary keyboard. MPC Keys 61 is best suited as your secondary.

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M. P. C.

Music Production Center


Music Performance Center-piece?

[quote=“Smapti, post:307, topic:170385”]
Ave Mcree is a total hack and [/quote]

I doubt I disagree but how did he get mixed up in this? I’m not big on Jordan either so unfortunately I can’t just watch the video to find out.

Not trying to pick a fight, I swear.
And totally independent of any opinion of any content creator:
I don’t think it makes a one a shill if they check in with the manufacturer to understand unexpected behavior.
(A shill might also do this though.)
In a bigger context of “media”, in general, if your goal is to be well informed, wouldn’t you typically prefer that a broadcaster has done their homework? Alternatively, if entertainment is the main goal, I suppose it doesn’t matter… as long as the consumer of the media doesn’t confuse being entertained with being well-informed…

In general I agree. However, if you’re a youtuber who gets paid by Akai and then also attacks people who have (imo) reasonable complaints about Akai, then… welp

Also, it’s clear that the issues Benn was having are bugs. They aren’t intended. In that case, it’s totally fair to note that customers who paid $2k for an instrument shouldn’t be treated as beta testers. In that circumstance he’s doing people a favor by warning them (instead of reaching out to Akai).

Okay never mind about my previous question. Didn’t see the ‘shill’ bit. Not a fan of either guy so it hardly matters.

I like all the YouTubers, shill or not. I get to see equipment being used, hear their experiences and opinions, then decide for myself what I think.

I hope they both make a lot more videos, and I hope Akai pays them ungodly amounts of money.

Christ you’d think these people were celebrities and not literallywhos making videos in their bedrooms. I find the online gear circle baffling you can literally just start shitting out videos and become a small celebrity amongst the nerds


It’s totally fair to not like Benn Jordan’s music, but I started listening to the Flashbulb in the early '00s and have been enjoying his music since then. If you like IDM (I know, I know) then he’s definitely not a 'literallywho."

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Who’s Benn Jordan?

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A music maker and YouTuber.

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We’ve got a bunch of other threads about how crummy youtube is, we don’t need to soil this one.


YouTube is great. I just watched a cat jump out of a cardboard box and attack a ladies face.

Funny stuff.


I use it as a centerpiece with a Fantom, Kronos, Oxi one and Octatrack and it just works. No issues. There were a few bugs at launch for sure, but as far as my workflow, they’ve been sorted out with updates.

I am not and never will be a live performer, though. That requires different type of workflow I’m sure, and who knows what I’d encounter then.

That said, I really don’t care how it works for Benn Jordan or Ave Mcree, both of whose videos I generally enjoy. I’m extremely pleased with it. It’s more or less a dream come true, particularly with the Oxi to complement it for step sequencing.

I’m curious about comparison between the Mpc Keys and Kronos.

I had an Oasys when they were first released and to my mind I’d still choose that or a Kronos over the Keys. And I’m saying this as an Mpc X owner. But the Oasys was a long long time ago and I know I’m remembering it through rose tinted spectacles.

But its build and the quality of it’s keybed was second to none. It was a truly magnificent and inspirational instrument. Absolutely my dream machine (at that time)