Akai MPC Keys 61

This would be a nice midi keyboard for My Akai Force.


Having used a live a one and an X I can say that the X is dramatically different in that it has 16 available q links with screens that adapt to a variety of purposes. Itā€™s a whole different experience to be able to use all functions immediately. On the other hand the keys doesnā€™t have these. Itā€™s confirmed to be running regular mpc is 2.11. The new update has shown that itā€™s focused towards adapting current OS to the keys, itā€™s highly unlikely that akai will diverge it to its own OS theyā€™d have to maintain considering itā€™s called MPC, itā€™s running MPC, and all current MPCs have the same OS. In other words, it is literally the same as using an MPC with a midi keyboard of your choice.

Itā€™s not a bad thing to throw it all together. Some people who play keys would like a keyboard attached to their MPC. But nonetheless it will be exactly the same as an MPC and a midi keyboard, but less ergonomic. I do mean this politely but I think to expect anything except that is a little naive and a quick road to disappointment. Akais game is clearly make as much money from as few parts as possible hence why all the boxes and software are the same. Iā€™m surprised the force software is actually different but they did mention some time back that the intention was to merge. Whether that stands remains to be seen.

@Starscream honestly Iā€™d bet a maschine keys is coming


You can?!

Still tho, its easier to just be one unit

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Itā€™s cheaper, quicker and more portable to get the MIDI keyboard of your choice instead of waiting for AKAI to release a product they never announced.

I think itā€™ll bring a lot, personally. Thereā€™s a great deal of potential in some of the MPCā€™s synths that you just canā€™t get at with the pads - not least range - and I expect a lot of users have never hooked a keyboard up. I have, but I donā€™t use it very often because if Iā€™m using an MPC I want to use the pads, restrictions and all. So the Keys isnā€™t for me - itā€™s too much. I think it goes past the point where Iā€™d simply start using a DAW instead, with discrete components rather than a single massive device. The Force is just on the other side of that line for me, and I think the X would be the same. I feel like I still have a few eggs outside the basket there. But for someone else, the Keys could be a dream come true, which is great. Go for it! I hope it pays off for Akai and leads to more MPC developments. Specifically, one with an 8-channel interface bolted on, if anyoneā€™s listening,


61 is the minimum for me and workable, I consider more kind of a bonus. 49 is frustrating

Iā€™m still waiting for NI to release a full key workstation. Not sure whatā€™s talking them so long.

I was thinking the same thing. Iā€™m personally not a fan of the newer-Akai workflow, but their whole ā€œall-in-one-boxā€ direction is right up the street of people who bought those circa-2000 keyboard workstations (Fantom et al) and still want all those songwriting features in one unit.


You just have to become an Octave switch ninja.

37 is the limit for me, I can work with thatā€¦ I prefer 49 as the all-rounder, and 61 is as much as I ever really need. I do have all bases covered tooā€¦ good olā€™ GAS.

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Yeah @DonovanDwyer and @NickD totally with you.

Iā€™m a keyboard player. The Digitone Keys and Analog Keys are to my superior in workflow and convenience compared to the boxed versions with a midi keyboard attached. I donā€™t think it compares.

And Akai are pretty clever when it comes to hardware workflow, so Iā€™m going to give this a spin in the store when it arrives.

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To be honest neither my idea nor the new product is all that enticing- that was kinda my point.

I do two handed playing at both ends of a 61 key board more often than you might think.

Also 61 keys makes splits way more practical.

I downgraded from DNK to DN and didnā€™t miss the little keyboard. If the DNK had more voices, more keys, and a more traditional layout I might have made that my workhorse but instead I have a NL2X and a MPK261.

Although this was something I always wanted I wonā€™t bite, but I can def see the attraction for it. All in one box with keys, mic preamps and 8 audio tracks. Hypothetically, this and monitors is all you need.


I guess in my case, Iā€™ll always come back to the fact that no synth sounds like the Prophet 12, so Iā€™ll return to that and realise Iā€™ll always keep a batch of gear around that do their special thing like nothing else, then explore all in one solutions thinking ā€œMaybe the streamlined workflow outdoes the need for that soundā€, realising nope, it doesnā€™t, and go back to my assembling again, until next All In One appears ā€¦

And round and round we - or at least me - go :slight_smile:

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This is the ultimate problem with the notion of an MPC as an all-in-one - the onboard synths and FX are pretty good until you have something dedicated to compare them to. Which is fine, because theyā€™re fun, they do a hell of a lot and they can definitely fill a gap at times, but it means Iā€™m going to be happier with a One or Force and room for a couple of external devices, rather then a single monolith like the Keys. If I had more cash and more room Iā€™d give it a whack, but I must stress to any anonymous benefactors thinking of stepping in that I do need both.


Yeah and in my case, then I already got a flow thatā€™s working for me, with the blackbox.

If thereā€™s no fundamental gain for me to go all in one, my current rig stands.


I think it is all on one only add far as structure and sequencing sometimesā€¦ I still sequence on my digitone keys sometimes and use other synthā€™s, like my prophet 6ā€¦ my mpc doesnā€™t replace them, but sometimes I donā€™t need themā€¦ At the end of the day, my mpc is my main brainā€¦ the fact it had synthā€™s in it even betterā€¦

You missed people making excuses for a 3rd version of the same thing, but underpowered and overpriced. Whereas you could sort of see the use of the first 2 versions.

It was called Syntactless or something. :yum:

Now that was excitement!

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who is this guy at akai who keeps putting the pads on the left side of sh*t, dammit I donā€™t like to curse but wtf man I wish dude would bounce rock skate, agitate the gravel, leave the premises man!!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: