Album Release (Debut?) CNEIS - Arbitrary | Agency

Hello friends! So, I managed to release an entire album, thanks to some help and encouragement from Triplicate Records. I’m not sure what to mention here, so I’ll just wing it. Recording was roughly from September 2021 to August 2022. I thought I could move at a faster pace, but life got busier early this year. That, and I wanted to give each tune the attention it needed, in what limited free time I had.

I used a mix of gear, but usually only 2-4 pieces at any given time (more than that, and I definitely get overwhelmed). The main contributors were Octatrack, M8 Tracker, MPC One and a 62 hp modular palette. I sprinkled in some Model:Cycles, A4, Behringer TD-3 and a couple FX pedals. All tracks were mixed in an SSL SiX and the stereo output was recorded to computer from there.

My sources of inspiration are pretty varied, but some definite tributes are in there, I think. XX/XY is my attempt at taking on Girl Boy Song by Aphex Twin. I discovered Recondite at some point and definitely wanted to make some minimal techno tracks as a result. Other than that, I think the album is a good reflection of what my brain was processing over the past couple years. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy.

Here’s the landing page, with an interview and a writeup from the label as well:


This is excellent. Congrats! :beers:

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This rules. Very creative stuff, love the frantic energy coming from the first two, then XX/XY goes for something more beautiful and melancholy. Congrats!

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