Alt Blues

Hello fellow web wonderers, just wanted to share the first EP by a fantastic local band we had the pleasure in recording wile our studio was still a building site :slight_smile:

The band helped out a lot with the build as well as keeping our spirits high, so it was only fitting that they where the first into record.

Their full album is over at bandcamp as well…

I know we are an mainly electronic music forum and maybe its a tiny bit out of place haha, but its the only spot i really hang around online, don’t want to feel like I’m spamming work on the forums, ya know…

So maybe i should have asked in my initial post but I would honestly love to know what you guys think?

When i first saw the animations they paired the songs with i was blown away and found a beautiful synergy with the two pieces of work…

I can’t wait for the lads to come back for their full electric album. Maybe we can convince them to use some of our elektron gear :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

And probably the most honest, relevant and politicaly minded fuck you songs I’ve heard in a long time is on the ep, its so refreshing to hear a Belfast band write a political song that not stuck in the bitter past…

Can ya tell I’m a fan? haha…

Very refreshing between all those looping electronic patterns, thx for posting!