Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

should also link this in, always a joy to gain new insights of the legendary box.


Beautiful tracks !

Can anyone tell me if parts/repairs ( in Australia) are still available for Machinedrum sps1 mk 2 (non uw)? I am considering a second hand one, but it feels like there would be a high risk of something breaking down before too long given the age of these machines now.

I believe Logitronics in Melbourne repair Elektrons all the time.
Speaking of which I really should get some new encoders for mine.
They still work, but one or two are not as accurate as they once were.

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I guess that the first cut is the deepest. Bought a Machinedrum mk1 more than 20 years ago. Sold it. Later I bought an A4 and for a long time it was my greatest love. But then I found a cheap Machinedrum Mk2 UW and to this day nothing campares.

When the internal machines doesnā€™t do it for you itā€™s still the greatest sample player out there. Samples can easily sound thick and ready for the dancefloor. Or mellow and weird a second later.

Well nothing really exciting here more than a love letter to a unique machine


Saw this this morning for those in the market

Itā€™s gone thru their synth wellness center so it should be in tip top shape. they do great werk

thatā€™s in Canadian buckers

And it controls the bitwig sampler (or any V sampler) as a midi controller for extra madness.

Has been a bit of a GASsy weekā€¦ Lots of work, little time to play music so we know how it goes. Got some time to jam on the Machinedrum last night and today tho and decided Iā€™d challenge myself to make something interesting on as few tracks as possible. Since Iā€™ve been looking at drum machines that have four or six voices, I decided to limit myself to four tracks plus another two for recording and playing internally sampled bits. And although the other drum machines Iā€™ve been looking at are analog and not directly comparable, the flexibility and variety of expression on the MD is just insane! So while a killer analog drum machine would be nice to have, I really think Iā€™d always come back to the MD in the end. The tones I can get out of the TRX BD2, for example, is so varied I feel I could make a decent track using just a couple of those.

:elmd: :black_heart: eternal!


No, it does sound great with samples. I just put some alesis hr-16 samples in and itā€™s just awesome

:smiling_imp:Perkonsā€‹:smiling_imp: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Would fit the narrative, right? :grinning:

Actually Iā€™ve been looking at the Tempest and Analog Four (for drums). Perkons seems cool in many ways but a bit like the Analog Rytm I feel the sound wouldnā€™t fit into my music. Itā€™s also very expensive (as is, of course, the Tempest).

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A4 is great for drums.


One reason not too often mentioned is the arp. It makes it capable of some very neat tricks as a drum machine.


I always love my MD. I realy love AR. Iā€™m not sure i would love Perkons sounds side (not a big fan of Ericaā€™s drum modules sounds).

But itā€™s UI is so appealing, that this very morning i was thinking of finding money for it. But in fact, you were right in your answer, no way to sold my good old MD.

The price of Perkons ? Not more than MD, Tempest or little bit more than AR. So, yes, expensive, but in the market.

The A4, yes for nice drum sounds and well paired with MD. Their sounds compliments each other.

The worst of our wallet life, nice for collector maniacs, hard to sustain learning curve.
But i often have this bad time :rofl:

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For Christā€™s sake, donā€™t ever waste your time or money on a Tempest!

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This is a byproduct of love


And itā€™s gonna be ok, right? RIGHT?!?!

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Oh itā€™s fine. Factory Fresh encoder response. :heart_eyes:

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Two Swedish synthesizers hanging out on a Swedish table. Never tried hooking up this exact combo before.


This looks like an incredibly fun combination

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