Amp Setup • Sync •?

From the manual:

Amp Setup (p70)

SYNC sets if the amplitude envelope should be synced to the Octatrack BPM or not.

Anyone … ?

Are you asking what effect this parameter has?


Are you asking what effect this parameter has?[/quote]
Yep. Any insight welcome, i’m currently wondering if it’s a typo, but i’m curious to learn what it means assuming it’s most likely not a typo …

perhaps time values vary in a way that’s analogous to pitch !

Well A, D and R are time-based values, so are therefore synchable to other time-based values like BPM. I’m new to the OT though and haven’t tested this.

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Ok, no probs, so new you haven’t spotted it’s not an ADSR … but what’s the change and much more importantly what’s the logic
the hold phase is expressed in ‘trig.or.step’ units, so that varies with BPM
unfortunately searching for sync as a search term is too broad
in what way does ‘sync’ relate to what happens, is it implying that an envelope which takes a certain time to reach the hold point of a time-stretched phrase will take a different time at a different tempo such that the envelope ‘peaks’ at the same point in the phrase ? - gonna try that
still find it an slightly odd choice or terminology
this must have been discussed on elektron users, anyone recall that ?

^ this ! handy :slight_smile:

Ok, no probs, so new you haven’t spotted it’s not an ADSR … [/quote]
I know it’s not an ADSR, but it has three time-based parameters and I wasn’t therefore surprised that it was synchable. As for exactly how it synchs, no idea… :slight_smile:

answer is two posts above - the envelope has two implicitly time based params Attack and Release, those can be forced to sorta follow the Hold ‘step based’ paradigm by clicking on Sync - so time values for A and R get linked to tempo - half tempo = double A R time
i guess it’d have been very obvious to those using the env more like a synth env, the material i used generally had the audible envelope set in the sample, so i never tinkered too much with that setting
i’m guessing there’s one tempo value for which turning on sync makes no difference

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