An album made before your Elektron boxes?

2014 - shortly before I got my Octatrack. All ableton and logic

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all the stuff I’ve checked out so far has been legit! I’m curious if y’all think your music has gotten better post Elektron or just funner to make?

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This album was made during 2001 - 2002 while living in Istanbul. Using Yamaha QY300 Sequencer, Boss DR202 drum machine, Korg MS2000 synth, Zoom ST224 sampler and cheap effect pedals. They were summed up using a Behringer mixer. All tracks were live recorded into Cool Edit on a very slow PC.

I made another album before this but have not uploaded it… Should find out where it is…


Different, not necessarily better. That was the goal though

The latter for me.
I quite often think my non elektron stuff is better actually

I started getting into hardware/elektron because having a day job starting at a computer made making music in the box a slog. After realizing that my Volcas were cool but still required a lot of computer sequencing and effecting, I decided to move on. I still do lots of sampling on the computer but I try to stay on physical instruments for the sake of creativity. Don’t think my music is any better doing it one way or another. Just different depending on style/vibe/genre/instruments/etc.

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My first one was made on a Yamaha W5, Akai S1000 and DR-550. Recorded and mixed on an MT8X.

Too embarassed to share it, but back then, I was very proud of it.

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It gives me the sounds i want in a small box that is not a PC and doesn’t cost a fortune :stuck_out_tongue:

My music has gotten better, but largely because I’ve put more work into learning to make better music - not because of any of my gear but because I put in the work. If anything, acquiring new gear makes my music temporarily worse while I learn the new thing.

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YES SAMPLETRAK, miss mine!

Made these on SP 303, SP 404, SP 555, Korg Electribe ESX, Volca sample cameo on one track.


My love for my ESX lead me to purchase my first Elektron: the Digitakt! Felt it was like a little ESX on steroids! This after pruchasing the ES2 and not digging the sound.


Oh go on then.

Released 1 month before I bought the Octatrack. Not into making this style at all anymore. All done with Reason/Ableton, a moog sub phatty, BS2, Waldorf Blofeld. Probably some electribe on there too.

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Yes! I sold mine back in the day to fund for the machinedrum. And about 6 months ago, I got it again and it was worth it!
This is another very unique box from the past. There are few features which I would love to see on current gen boxes.


EP Produced in 97, released in 1999.

Logic & E-Mu E4K.

I had been into jungle/drum‘n‘bass since 94, but we had no labels (except this one, evidently) in Zürich who wanted to release anything in that direction. This label was actually more of a downbeat affair.
And the german distributors wouldn’t take our own attempts at labels onboard either.
London was too far away, until 2004 when I actually managed to release d&b on a UK label. By then it was too late, d&b had reached oversaturation.

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This is one of the tracks from an album I made in Nashville back in 2010. The entire record is on YouTube but for some reason I can only find one song at a time. Weird.

EDIT: never mind, found it:


2006 album that was never released, using Reason.

After revisiting these albums, and the production techniques that went with them: I am definitely happier to have some Elektron boxes next to me.